You are the magic man! Strange, I could not post a link to an Amazon page, but in the same message I could post a link to a totally different web site. Yeah, the Amazon link won't post here, either Hmm, maybe if I cut a bunch of junk off the end of the URL: O.K., that must have been the problem. There was a bunch of strange junk after the last backslash...
There have been constant ddos attacks over the past few days to various hub/indexing servers. Many forums I frequent have been flakey for several days. It's been so bad the us government is involved. Likely little the forum owner can do
Danny knew about the site being down yesterday. It was a weekend and he was out and about enjoying the day at a football game. He did what he could to try and fix things but it didn't work. He addressed the issue once he got back in at night. Now it is fixed.
I have been watching to see if someone else commented on the outage. It was unavailable until around 9:00PM PDT yesterday.
One person (tony Tait??) asked about the outage on the FaceBook page yesterday afternoon and Danny answered that he had been at a football game all day with family and did try to fix it via his smartphone, but had had no luck and would look at it when he got home late last night. It was down pretty much all day on the West Coast of the USA, from 8 a.m.-ish through 6 p.m. -- after that I quit looking. I did get in for a few seconds around 11 a.m., but then, right back down. Later in the day, I mostly got no access, or server error white pages, but a few times I got sent to a cloud version of Prius chat that gave some sort of cached version of the forums. Across the top of the cloud rendition was a banner that explained that the forum was not live, but if I stayed and looked through the various posts, once a live version was available, I would be notified and given back to live pages. I THINK it was: Cloudflare - The Web Performance & Security Company
Unless I have a problem with the car (and then the site seems to be down! LOL), I will stay away for a few months and then I will binge for a day or three or even a week or so, then I purge and am good until the next time the urge hits me. kris
I can live without prius chat. I'm more concerned about the Russians or Iran cutting off our water, gas, electrical grid, military satellites... Technology is great and all, but society has become way too dependent upon computers and the Internet. -spoken like a true old guy! (Be sure and store up lots of water... And beans, bullets, and bandages!)
I am not a guy, and hope not that old, but we have a few cases of canned food, 36 gallons of potable water and another 10 of non-potable stored most of the year. In the winter that grows to about 20 gallons of gasoline for the generator, chain saws, etc. Not because of survival mindset (meaning collapse of society), but because in the winter we can be cut off from power and easy access to town for anywhere from a few minutes to three weeks (three weeks only happened once, three days seems to be the average). Milk is a problem since it goes bad without refrigeration. Toilet paper, well, leaves can work -- just don't use any of the various poison ivy, poison oak or poison sumac type leaves.... Bullets, well, maybe only about 800 rounds.....No not one of those persons, just you never know when you live in the Great North Woods. I am sure Mendel has plenty of hunting supplies for forays into Stanley Park, BC. PS: I should add that most of the ammo is in the form of bricks of .22-caliber shells that my husband has been toting around since he was a teenager and was involved in target shooting through his local rod and gun club. The rest of it is for the shotgun -- I am a pretty good shot with that weapon....
My sister is like you cyberPrius. A wise woman living in Montana who is always prepared for those long winters. I hate to think, how the people out here in Southern California are going to react when the BIG ONE hits. First, there will be shock and the obvious devastation. And then sadly, I think civil unrest and looting will take over. Very few people out here know how to prepare, or even care about being prepared. We are pretty spoiled from all this good weather.
Gee, seems we are off-topic -- seems I always am the culprit....oh, well, Danny can send me to my room.... Ever seen Panic in Year Zero -- it deals with Los Angeles and thermonuclear war. It was a bit of a cult hit when I was in college, along with the Last Waltz ( Last Waltz is of totally different subject matter). From Wikipedia: Michael Atkinson, the film critic for The Village Voice, liked the film and wrote in 2005, "This forgotten, saber-toothed 1962 AIP cheapie might be the most expressive on-the-ground nightmare of the Cold War era, providing a template not only for countless social-breakdown genre flicks (most particularly, Michael Haneke's Time of the Wolf) but also for authentic crisis—shades of New Orleans haunt its DVD margins...the movie is nevertheless an anxious, detail-rich essay on moral collapse."[5] You can watch it here on Daily Motion, which I have never had an issue with, but some people don't like the site... Or watch a trailer on YouTube (gosh, I really DON'T want to rake leaves today, do I? kris
Thanks El Dobro! I love those old movies. I've never seen that one. Here's another one that involves panic, and ends up taking place in Los Angeles...