Many times, the whole screen just suddenly disappears... entire threads gone... and it logs me off. And at other times, a black screen briefly pops up and I'm kicked off again. I have never had these kinds of issues on any other website. And now my iPad is doing weird things. All signs of a virus. This site is infected. Probably hacked. All screwed up. And it will take me a dozen times to post this.
The UI.X logo has been present for me for weeks. It should be pretty easy to fix. Just put the correct graphic in /ui.x/ui.x/logo.png. Here's the URL. ... anyone with webserver access here? As for this business with needing to "Post Reply", wait, four times over to post anything -- is the server is overwhelmed by the volume of use?
I think there is more to it than that. I too have looked at the source code. If the image (logo.png) is not the correct image or file name, then why is it that IF you use a PC with Win 7 loaded and Chrome as the browser does the site work properly. There are several problems with this site, I do agree. I also agree that the code for the site needs work. However I am not going to say that it is any particular thing due to the complexity of said code. I will state though that one does NOT see the dreaded UI.X image when using Win 7 and Chrome. However with Win 7 and IE11 the dreaded UI.X does show up.
Perhaps the site administrators could put an "Optimized for Chrome on Windows7" logo on the site and be done with it.
One might think that, but the posting problem still exists with Chrome as well as other problems. What is even more interesting is if you view the logo.png file using the URL of the file will appear identically in BOTH browsers by itself. That points to problems with either the style sheet being used OR the code that is being used in the body of the site. A website such as Prius Chat is rather complex. With complex code, it becomes more and more difficult to make the site appear properly in all the different types of browsers and devices that are available in today's world. This is what the actual logo.png file looks like. You will note that it looks different if one views it in the entire site.
Interesting considering there is a user named @S Keith here on Prius Chat. I hope this is not who you are referring to @bisco
Hey! Let's have a little respect for our fine Postal Service. I used to work there! (Now you know why I'm bananas! )
Indeed and anyone can drive 9.5 miles and get really stupid worthless data. IMHO and does not reflect the management of this TV station.