carumba, posting is slow tonight. must be the 50 members logged in. i wonder if that's an all time high?
Still odd that you can edit the title of a new thread but not an older one. Tried multi quote for 6 items but only two showed.
Posting continues to be hit-or-miss for me, taking two or three tries. I wonder if it's due to popularity. For comparison CleanMPG is now using the same interface. The sense I get is they've left it as-is, haven't tweaked it. Everything works fine. Again, could be a volume issue, I'm clueless.
Site has been DOWN completely on my end twice today. Was just able to log in a little while ago. Last couple of days seemed to be OK, now is acting up again.
do you think 50 people signed in is beyond site design? or could it be the 1,000 people and bots just looking things over that slow it down?
Total: 1,161 (members: 53, guests: 881, robots: 227) Some sites won't let you view anything but the front page without an account.
Think that is just this second in the space time continuum. Some folks actually have a real job and still work. I work to stay alive.
OK, the first post in a thread edit is gone too. All those smelling errors will stay. Probably needs to be done. Also limit searches to members only and only allow visitors to only see the sign up page. Bots would have to stay is that is how people do searches on the internet.