well good luck for you. your really happy with your Hyundai cant keep my mind of the feeling that your really unhappy with your prius and want to push that opinion on the forum. kinda rant about how bad the prius is. over here the Hyundai was always the car thats cheap and you could feel and see that. Hyundai became better over time but stayed cheaper then the rest ( i guess part of that is in what cheaper to build country the brand is from ) i also drove the same sonato you have and also the model just before it. i like the stronger ice and from 4 to 5 automatic gears with better mpg. but i still did not like the inside. the desigh looks to well.. eastern. nothing special and al in al a bit undesiged. the new ice now produced 170hp or someting along that line and it felt like a nice 6 cyl but its just a 4 cyl. but what that matters i got the same feeling in a 2005 Cobalt,, great car to. i care more about the inside of a car then the outside for that matter. i did like the USB connection on the radio under your arm rest. when i got my prius it was like getting the car i have ever wanted but did not yet exist. i alsways wanted to to what the prius is doing standard with my normal ICE 5 speed. always best RPM and gear and stopping that stupid ICE when infront of a stoplight. etc etc etc etc a dream car for mee. o did you already have your quailty build car recalled http://priuschat.com/forums/other-cars/76815-hyundai-halts-u-s-sales-2011-sonata-shares-drop-2.html ok sorry i am a bit disapointed about your bad prius comments
Thanks Indy, enjoyed your whimsical description of your experience with the new car. I have owned many cars in my lifetime, and like women, each has something special to offer. It may be intellect, perfect body or slapstick funny maybe a little of everything or sporty, luxurious or fuel efficient etc. I have enjoyed different things from all. Please keep us posted on your experiences going forward. I can expect that you will no longer be bashing the Prius so your posts will have a more positive expression, hopefully more like your original post here. ciao
Sage this is what I could get for you right now... one is a from 06 model but the post above it is actually from a 2010 model. Looks very promising. I'm still in my first tank of gas so cannot tell how accurate the gauge is until at least 4-5 tanks. With mixed HWY and city driving so far, running well above EPA according to indicated MPG despite of the very bad weather around here... snow, slush, and very cold. Hoping To Trade My Prius For A 2010 Sonata - Need Help ;-) - Hyundai-Forums.com
This is a bit cheesy, but kind of funny and timely for the thread, so I thought I should share. This is a real history that happened one week ago and told me by my neighbor yesterday. His dad, 80+ years old, had been leasing GM sedans for the past 30 years. My neighbor had been alternating between Toyotas and Hondas and he currently owns a Honda Fit. His wife has a Hyundai Elantra. His dad’s currently lease expired last week and they went shopping for a new lease: Dad this time I think we should get you something more reliable, my neighbor speaking. What do you mean; all them have been reliable. His dad replied.No dad, they have not. I’m the one who takes your cars to the dealership every time there is something wrong, that’s why you think they are reliable. I’m tired of it. Where are you getting at? You should try an Asian car this time. I’m not getting an electric mower. No dad, I’m not talking about those. They are called hybrids and I doubt you would appreciate one of those. I’m talking about a nice and reliable regular sedan. What kind? How about a Camry? Are you trying to insult me? Those are for old people. Right dad, sorry, I forgot you’re not old. My bad. How about an Accord? Hell no! That’s the car of that rude friend of yours. Of course, forget about the Accord dad, it was a bad idea. So, how about a Hyundai? You know how much my wife love her Elantra. She could not tell a car apart from a hairdryer. Dad, don’t me rude, you know I like her car too. In fact, I’m thinking you should get a smaller sedan at this time, and the Elantra would fit perfectly. Much lower lease payments, decently comfortable and reliable, and good size. You don’t need a larger sedan. Time for a change dad. What do you say? OK, I’ll take a look but won’t promise anything. Then we left to the Hyundai dealer… Dad you stay here OK; I’ll find a sales person to see what Elantras they have and set up a test drive. Whatever. A couple of minutes later… Dad, this is the sales person helping us today; he has good news for us. What is that car Sir? That is a 2011 Sonata, we just received it. It’s the limited trim. We do have a lot of Elantras on sale ri… Get me inside one of those now, I want to drive it. Wait a moment dad, I thought we agreed upon going smaller this time… shut your hole son. What part of I want drive that car right now you don’t understand? Moments later Dad and son left the dealership driving the 2011 Sonata… Lease payments were actually lower than his previous Buick. Even my neighbor’s old men could not resist it…
Nice car, my Hyundai dealer was actually trying to get rid of these by offering the homeless guaranteed financing because they had so many that would not sell. But in the end, they shipped them off to an auction. Good luck though.
So many they would not sell? Sorry, but very odd and curious comment considering Hyundai was actually the only car company in the black last year with the global economic crisis, also the one that benefited the most from cash for clunkers program, and the company that is benefiting the most from the Toyota trade-in incentives... Very curious indeed!
Hey buddy, I still come here every once in a while, but the motivation to post on PC is definitively fading away for obvious reasons. The Prius is gone and some members would rather have me gone too, although, with almost 2000 views for this post in such short period of time, one may argue against that. Anyway... good to hear from ya! All the best!
Aye sonn. I guess when I think about it, your supposed to drive whatever makes you happy : ] The Sonata is not a bad car at all, pretty nice. See you around friend : )
Some requested that I share the MPG data for my new ride here, despite of my lack of motivation to obsess over FE. I made it clear that my new car experience goes well beyond praising FE. Oh, well, that does not mean I should not share the data. I went thru the first tank just a few moments ago. First 500 miles... it’s always unforgettable. Despite of the better FE in the Prius for obvious reasons, its small tank was almost always a few miles short (in the winter) to get me thru the whole cycle between hwy trips, so I had hwy trip MPG data (which I already shared) recorded separate from city MPG data. The Sonata has a much larger tank and it was enough for the whole cycle despite of the very bad weather it has endured in its first 500 miles of life. Overall the tank was roughly 70% hwy and 30% city, so the adjusted EPA estimates according to my math should be around 28 MPG for the Sonata in this situation. My first fill-up gave me 31.75 MPG calculated. I don't have an accurate indicated number for this tank because I reset the MPG gauge in the middle. My HWY trip was also slower than I usually go (I cruised often at 65, but ranging speeds were 55-65 with average 58 MPH), for 2 reasons: snow and rain almost all the time plus it’s not a very good idea to drive too fast until the first OCI or so). Also, just a reminder, no over-inflated tires or grill blocks or inadequate heating of the cabin of course; I’m staying away from that. My city commute (30% of the tank in this case) was the regular stop and go traffic with lots of traffic lights and short distances, not very good for FE in any car. In fact, in the winter, I was doing better FE in the hwy than in the city with the Prius. So, considering the circumstances, not bad, not bad at all. Cheers!
44.7mpg for 100% highway is not bad at all either. I will say that I think the Prius's tank should be bigger - for a car that gets 70% more miles per gallon than my old car (in the winter), the tank distance is only about 10% more - and that's if I push it to the warning light.