Yes. Like a shortened version of that car. Cover the front tire with your finger and picture the front tire pushed back and see what I mean....
I remember when you could see out the back windows of cars because they had windows. Now the designers slant the rear windows to nothingness.
WELL! This picture has been around for a while, but would I like to see it as a reality? AHHHH--YES! LOOKS might awesome to me!
I actually think that looks great. But not as the next generation Prius. I'd rather see it as a coupe- and a totally separate product. I hate to say it, but The Prius "made it's bones" as a product with a combination of hybrid benefit and real world practicality. And it's image is as a hybrid work horse. I really like how that product looks, but the high roof line wedge shape has been iconic with the 2nd Gen and 3rd Gen Prius. And that vehicle looks way too "normal" sports car. I actually would welcome a product like that, but I think it would represent too much a departure from what Prius has been, to become what Prius IS. I wouldn't mind a beautiful race horse stallion being added to the stable, but I want to keep the work horse Prius.
Agree with this. It's something I liked about my 2010 Honda Fit, the rear window was vertical and relatively large which made for excellent rearward visibility. The evolution seems to be to either slant them nearly horizontally (such as with the Prius) OR shrink them smaller and smaller. At least with The Prius there is aerodynamic design justification for the choice. But I still don't get the trend to making rear windows on hatch's smaller and smaller.
I thought they expired in 2014? Panasonic was making them for Gen3 but then Toyota had to back out due to patents
I wouldn't be surprised to learn - at some later time - that the image in the OP is a design concept starting point. By which I mean this: Toyota Marketing (or whoever) dreams up what they want the next gen Prius to look like. They create something sporty and eye catching. Then those drawings go to the Engineers who have to try and make it happen. Using the image, you could see how it could be stepping stone one. Then the Engineers say, "but it can't seat four" so they make adjustments. Then they put it in a wind tunnel and make adjustments. And so on and so on. So what I'm saying is that this image might actually be an indicator in some way of where Toyota wanted to go before reality set in. But still a strong reference point of the next gen.
ahhhhhh--this would be a great starting point, and why NOT have a two-seater model? Or not--this just looks so darn sporty. And with great technology and awesome MPG, I am IN! that...BUT.. You also with Prius I think have to look at the past, and the concept. Even as a starting point, The Prius has never been marketed as a "Sports Car" or even a Sporty looking Sedan. It's always been the now Iconic Prius Hatchback, and utilizable family vehicle. Which is why, even as a starting point, I'd see it's better ultimate realization being that of an entirely separate product. Maybe a new addition to The Prius family? Whatever happens with the Next Gen Prius, I think there is room for a "Sportier" perhaps coupe 2 seater Hybrid. I know I'd be interested. Nothing wrong with using a drawing as a starting point concept, but the concept does have to be representative at it's heart of what you want the final product to be. Has the standard Prius ever been thought of as a vehicle that embraced form over function? PS. I'm holding out for Supercalifragilistic Mode. That's 0-60 nearly instantaneously at the mere thought of going 0-60.