No. I was just (maybe wistfully) thinking: it's a hatchback, has instruments in front of the driver, has half-decent conventional styling. Guess the aerodynamics and drag in general aren't that hot though.
Funny thing is, I bought a Prius then shortly afterwards inherited a low-mileage F150 that burns 3x the gas. I have thought, in the back of my mind, that I'm doing my part to prevent the environmental catastrophe when all that oil in storage overflows. Yeah, I know that's the wrong way to look at things, but cognitive dissonance does strange things
You answered your own question with "I feel driving/ a more powerful V6 engine car". If that's what you want, GO FOR IT!
I too am trading my G2/2008 Prius package 2. I love this car and actually find I am way too attached to what should be a financial decision. I have a 2012 Prius package 5/with ATP that my wife drives. Yet somehow, perhaps it's because it was first, I still loved the G2....even without all the nice extras. Yet I am military and currently assigned to Korea (where I drive a 1996 Hyundai Sonota!) my wife doesn't do a lot of mileage...she has just 14,600 miles on the 2012 and most of that was done in trips we took. So now there are two Prius in that driveway not getting much of a workout. Then I was just home on leave and I the parking lot of a Whole Foods was acquainted with the relatively new (to me anyway) Mercesa GLA250. I instantly knew I would like to see my wife in that and after driving it she loved it. The dealership has offered $5000 for my 2008 (over 106,800 miles) not a bad deal I don't think for a car with some minor body damage but otherwise perfect. Yet, although I'll inherent the 2012 upon returning home, I am still having some difficulty doing this. Don't get me wrong- i would give away anything to make the wife happy and I think she will be....although she is already asking about trips to the pump! I was actually hoping to keep the car at least another 2 1/2 years to make it my longest owned car. Yet am very excited to tell her to drive it to the dealer....there is something waiting for you! Of course she'll figure it out, but still will be surprised. I have never owned a Mercedes or any other "luxury" car, this will be first. I will also remain loyal to Prius and cannot imagine not having one as our second car. That 2008 was one of the lowest maintenance cats ever. Sorry about the rant as I work this out!
Hope I'm not too late, I went to an Avalon, but I went to a Avalon hybrid, enough power and still reasonable fuel economy, don't think the Avalon would have been in the picture if not for the fact that it is a hybrid. Drive it back to back V6 to Hybrid and then decide.
all the best with the mercedes! i hope you enjoy getting to know the service manager on a first name basis.
We are on our third Avalon (1998, 2001 and now 2015). It is a great car, very reliable, comfortable, and good looking too! I think the seats are very comfy... way more so than the Prius. That being said, the Avalon is in the garage most of the time and I usually drive the Prius around town. Both are great cars in their own way!!
Good luck with the Benz, ultimately its your choice. I ended up by trading my 2015 Prius to a Camry V6. I still get a decent 25-26 mpg on V6. If you feel like want the Benz go for it.
Well, yes, but the same thing could be said about many other choices, like getting married. If I just substitute "wife" for "car" in the first paragraph of your post, I think it still rings very true: "Wives, unless they are true collectibles, are a horrible investment, but a necessary purchase for most of us. Some wives are a lot worse than others on the money/value equation. Dumping a wife before it's time is a financially poor choice, unless there are maintenance issues or personal situations change enough to absolutely require a different wife. Not being satisfied with the ride and comfort of a wife is an individual preference that should be researched well before making the purchase." (Apologies in advance.)
haha Agree with you!!.. But one makes make at least one bad choice in life, sometimes Car,sometimes wife, may be sometimes both !!..Its only human ... Research is one thing, its logical, rational, but then again some things are matter of the heart and will always outweigh reason... -Sandesh
You could've used spouse and everything would be fine. Now my 2009 model is a champ. Rides as comfortable as the day I brought her home. Wait, what are we talking about again?
I just turned my 2011 Prius into a cashier's check this afternoon. Not only am I a Prius-less driver, I'm a Toyota-less household now. probably still hang out here and there .... gotta see those quick replies from Bisco Just for fun, can anyone guess what my acronym below my forum name stands for?