yep i know that, just saying EV mode can work when engine is cold, but it's like trying to run with crutches
well, i will try it again at a much lower speed i guess. but having the modded EV switch on the SPM in my situation discussed above, its a MAJOR inconvenience to not have EV options when moving 300 feet. but i already knew about the 10 mph limitation (for what i am doing, 10 mph is the average speed anyway. i live on a very narrow residential street bordering a park. tons of joggers, kids, etc. many in the neighborhood, no doubt "interlopers" i have seen racing up and down the street at 25-35 mph ...ya, 25 mph is waaay beyond reasonable safe speeds here!!) right now, we are in the middle of soccer playoffs. so 3 times the traffic, cars, kids, etc. so speeds are even slower.
I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss running with crutches. Back in my teens when I was a scout, I went to a Jamboree where I saw this kid (in another troop) that had a withered leg. He had been using crutches most of his life. Needless to say, he didn't use them the same way someone with a broken or sprained leg uses them. His technique was to use them independently of the other and in concert with his good leg. It would be more appropriate to say that he had three legs to run on rather than two. And he could run FAST! :cheer2:
royrose, now that you have your new prius, have you had a chance to test regeneration down your 400 m hill?
after going to a Prius meetup after my posting, I found out EV mode with a warm engine allows you to goto 25mph AND accelerate past the middle line in the HSI. So I've learned alot since then, and maybe I shouldn't jump to conclusions