Though useful only for shorter people - 5" less than the back seat in the Prius. Would work for kids though.
Congratulations to your family's new addition. She is beautiful. Ed & Lexine Williamson Satellite Beach, FL
if i remember correctly the Prius did set an all time record for child restraint safety for one testing company in Europe. i guess that record applied to all vehicles even ones costing several thousand dollars more. i dont remember which organization awarded it. (The Prius has won so many, ive lost track of em about 10 awards ago) but it must really make you feel good knowing that you did the best you could in preparing for the new addition to the family.
Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! Tell Heath he can call her Cinderella all he wants to. My boys were "Baby Dumplin'" and "Punkin" most of the time when they were small. :lol:
Congrats! Remember Evan, you had a small part in the event. Your wife did all the hard part and she must be wonderful. Give her a kiss from me.
Congratulations!!!! She is beautiful. My kids are all grown treasure them every day. You will turn around and be missing them, and be proud of them as well. As one of my professors of Ob said "all babies look like Winston Churchill, with out the cigar" Certain amount of truth in that. I tell all my patients that "of course your baby is beautiful, we make all the ugly babies deliver at 'that other hospital' on the other side of town. All babies are an eternal statement of hope for our future. She will drive an unimaginable car when she is 16 and you will be afraid, very afraid. Take it from one who has been there. Good luck and all my best to you, your wife and your new joy.
Congratulations to you and your wife, Evan!!!! Now, when are you going to show this little darling how to do an oil change, hmmmm???