I'm trying to arrange backup camera part export directly from Japan for our Group order. However, anybody who already have Prius BC can look under the front seat at NAVEcu unit and tell what's written there over the middle port, which colours of the wires are coming there (if any). In other words: Is it camera 8-pin input port there on the back of Nav unit and if yes, is cable plugged in, what are wire colours? I do hope that it's the other end of the free 8-pin connector which is under the back door garnish. [Broken External Image]:http://homepage.mac.com/boagh125/.Public/NavEcu.jpg I'm trying to figure out if we need to order wiring or just a cam Assy. Thanks in advance, guys!
If this helps... I have the #9 package and checked out the ECU under the seat. There is something plugged into that outlet, despite the lack of any cameras on my car. If it is a camera input, the wires might already be there. The plug that is currently in that outlet appears to be 8 pin, with 2-3 wires coming out of it. Some fuzzy pictures follow: http://hci.eng.ohio-state.edu/prius/DSCN0169.JPG http://hci.eng.ohio-state.edu/prius/DSCN0175.JPG I should be taking my car into the shop this weekend, to have the rear bumper guard re-applied (yup, they screwed it up the first time so they are going to try again). While I'm there, I'll see if I can coax some information from anyone.
I'm scheduled to get my Prius - package #7 in April. Is the rear camera only available for people with package #9?
The rear camera isn't "available" for anyone in the United States... that's why we are going through all the trouble of ordering things from Japan and figure out how to hook it up ourselves.
wow. i'm excited and i'm in! you would almost think it would be more work or cost them more money to not install it -- at least that's what i'm telling myself. -r
Thanks a lot for the pictures. My takeaway: If it's a camera input port in te middle of NAV Ecu (it seems nothing is written there), than most probably this red and white wires are going all the way to the free 8-pin connector under the backdoor garnish. This is exactly place where the cam should be. OK, I'll order just cam assy and in the worst case will buy compatible cable locally. I feel that we are slowly moving in the right direction...
I'm afraid that without NAV unit (where cam should be plugged normally) it's even more complicated story. You probably need something like "Lexus' 86191-48010 Video Terminal, List Price US$121.97" to put in between the cam and MFD. Cannot be certain at this stage...
Sounds like an interesting project... I just wonder how feasible it would be to interface a cheap webcam to the Nav ECU. Is this camera just putting out composite video? If that is the case, almost any old camera will do.
Wouldn't it be better to whip out your Ohm meter and make sure the wire under the seat is indeed coming out at the rear bumper before you start ordering things? Also, didn't Coastal Tech have a rear camera for the 01-03 ( or am I remembering things that I didn't read ;-) ) Dave would likely have a handle on the '04 wiring.
Dave has installed a camera in his '04 (not permanantly installed, and, AFAIK, he hasn't used the wiring harness you guys found. I got to play with the camera he used and it worked VERY well. Had built in LED lights that were quite bright at night with incredible visibility. I know Dave's been extremely busy lately, but hopefully he'll happen upon this thread and enlighten us a bit about where and what to do to get this to work...Unless we can get the camera and stuff for a bit lower than the posted price that seems kinda out of my range relative to actual utility--it does have a high "cool" factor. If we're all patient for another 6 months or so I'll bet good money that Dave will come out with a harness that will allow you to plug in a 3rd party DVD/MP3/CD player that will also have wiring for the camera (which I think he'd supply as a part of the kit) as well as the integrated XM Radio. It'll be pricy, but I bet it'll be cheaper that finding each of these things individually and you won't have to try to figure out how to wire them all together. That's the system I'm going to wait for.
$800 for the camera seems like a rip off. What special features does it have to justify the cost? It isn't like people need 25X optical zoom and 5M image quality. Why wouldn't a cheap spam X10 camera do the job? Does it have a motor to pan or something?
That would be better. The only one thing is missing: my Prius arriving next month. And I want to have discrete and native backup cam from the day one. No compromise to the warranty and the look of the car. Simple. This is functional item which is available in Japan as a Toyota assessory and I do not feel right inventing bicycle again and putting some ugly amateurishly-looking stuff on my car. I asked Dave about it already, but it seems he's too busy ... I'm not going to live in the car, or drive it across the continent. Multimedia combo is a matter of need (and taste). I don't need it. I know exactly why and what I want and the cam is one of these things.
Actually, according to his wife, he's busy spending time with their newborn child. In previous threads, Dave has already discussed porting all of his accessory options that he sells for the earlier models to the '04 model. Each one takes time and testing. Based on his published price list for last year's model, I have no problem waiting a little longer for a tried and true solution that's cost-effective.
Has anyone done anthing else with this? It's been a dead thread for a month now, and I've been hoping that someone would have tried this and given the group an update. Anyone???
The Highest Authority Mr. Coastal Dave is secretive as ever. I guess he's stuck figuring out how to protect his know-how about NAV ECU Audio/Video input as after he'll sell 3 kits the info will spread and people can do what they want. Guys like myself are too busy to spend time and money on that task (thanks to the stupidity or marketing wizdom of Toyota). I might be satisfied with more economical, simple and elegant solution for parking assist. Now waiting for some hardware and keep this forum posted. There are some more info, however, on other treads: http://priuschat.com/forums/viewtopic.php?...p?p=14914#14914 http://priuschat.com/forums/viewtopic.php?...p?p=14916#14916