Can't you just see her grabbing onto the steering wheel of a Prius? [Broken External Image]:
Yeah! And what's up with Ricky Martin being on that list? Or is that choice geared more towards fellas? Just the same...hubby or no hubby, I chose Angelina. I know he would too. Josh Holloway (Sawyer on Lost) was noticeably absent from the list, so I had to go w/my 2nd choice. :blink:
And you have the bald effrontery to question MY maturity? :lol: Just picture her, sans cosmetics (and perhaps prostheses ) crawling into bed.
Has she always looked like that? Somehow I get the feeling that even when she was 15, she still looked like a 60 year old who was trying to look like 25. At some point, gobs of make-up has the reverse effect and makes a woman look older rather than younger.
Can't lose there, huh? I dislike cosmetics, and Tammy Fae has been my Poster Girl for, well, decades...
Actually, in that picture, she's cleaned up her act! And that's not a brass knuckle. The lid pops open and out pops a devilish, tiny whip.
Here, we've got to balance this thread out a bit... Here are the top two contenders from the male standpoint: Angelina: [Broken External Image]: and my personal favorite: [Broken External Image]:
As the only guy to get any votes so far (051205-21:57PST) I guess I have to say thank you. Or maybe not...