I agree that you pay to much for a plug-in car. Today the Toyota "Synergy" drive is the best way to go. And the new "C" is FINALLY able to actually pay for itself in fuel savings. When the Pius first came out it was very expansive and gas was cheap. Now in 2012 with the Prius C the price of the car is lower and the gas is high enough to just ify it. It will be YEARS before this happens with plug-in cars. Bt it will happen. I think my next car will be something like a plug-in crossover SUV But it is not justified today
Not sure how you do your math but I was paying $13-15/day for gasoline (Toyota SUV) when I decided on getting a plug-in this past summer. The lease was $12/day and I use $0.14/day for electricity (EV subscription). So far I have used less than $1/day average for gasoline (8000 miles, 25 gallons). I would say it pays for itself in fuel savings.
Most folks are just very bad at Total Cost of Ownership calculations. (or they drive WAY less than I do)
Doesn't adding 17" wheels/tires adversely affect the gas mileage? I'm tempted to do that but I don't want to defeat the purpose of why I bought this car.
I love your signature on "Prius Envy"... I have some doubters that could not believe the room in my hatchback (comments like "Holy **** there is a lot of room in there..."), the guys at the feed store who said "Can your little car carry all that?" (Yes, multiple times with no real change in MPG) and those brave enough to take a ride that call it "the spaceship" and other affectionate nicknames.... then they start sharing stories with me about this person or that person that they know who has a Prius (or more)... and it starts going viral. Who is up for more Kool Aid? I am so addicted to this stuff now....