The previous poster cannot differentiate between an insult and a compliment. And, thanks. Yes, the broom gets great MPGs...
The previous poster's photo might be one of the scariest Halloween masks since he was unvailed by Scout. You remember, Mr. Radley, when Jem was nursing that broken arm ... on Halloween, 1960, down in Alabama.
The previous poster can't spell. For what it's worth, Grays Harbor is the county I live in, and there is no apostrophe. It's weird, I know. At least, it is pronounceable, which is more than can usually be said for the "city" I live in.
The previous poster's mom is so fat that when she wears yellow, school children start lining up beside her.
The previous poster likes to make things seem bigger than they are. (not brother, 3rd cousin , so it is legal)
Neither does the next poster. Oh, sorry... wrong thread. The previous poster obviously has an eating disorder. Muffins and margaritas spell nutritional disaster. and look at that emaciated torso! those skinny arms! Eat a sandwich, girl, for the love of mike!!! Adjusted: The previous poster is a pedalestrian.