120+ (speedometer pegged) in a 10 year old 1957 Plymouth Belvedere convertible with a 350cid v8, 2bbl carb, 2 speed push-button automatic on a country road... with the top down! I think I thought I was imortal then... ...maybe the fins helped... [attachmentid=1917] [attachmentid=1918] (these are not mine... mine was much less shiny...)
A friend and I opened up a Porsche 944 Turbo on the Autobahn (A62) in Germany. His speedo showed 275Kph just before we got to our exit. I've been passed on the A5 by cars going much faster than the 130mph indicated on my BMW 525i.
There's not much IN Tampa. Too much congestion all the time. Often you can find a rural road somewhere. The place I did my top speed run was on a stretch of I-75 around Ocala. It's 5 or 6 lanes wide, and at 3 am it's usually completely empty.
Oh dude, hit the Howard Franklin (sp?) bridge on a day with little traffic... There's one particular stretch on it where the visibility is awesome, and the pavement is decent enough... Got my bike to 160 indicated it was awesome, I was pretty much holding on for dear life! h34r:
I drive the Howard Franklin every day (twice a day actually). Yes, at the right ime you could go fast, but hit the wall at that speed, and you're going swimming. At 160, water can be quite hard. The sharks wouldn't even have to pick the bones out...
ANYTHING happens at that speed and there won't be much to collect... Rather hose down... :lol: Side note: I only did it once though... I'll only "blip" it occasionally (about 120 at the most), as I have noticed, at times, pretty discreet cops cruising around just waiting for punks like me... h34r:
I had an '87 Buick Grand National. I once went out on a deserted road and flogged it to about 170 MPH. She was a runner & got about 27 MPG @ 70 MPH with the cruise on. It was 1 hot V-6 car.