I don't think that is too harsh, do you? :madgrin: I forgot to add that I think cell phones are one of the worst inventions of the century, even though I used to work for a company that made components used in cell phone base stations and other communication applications. Its not the actual device that is the problem, it is how they are used by the morons who carry them around. No one should use a cell phone in a car, in a movie theater, in a restaurant, in a classroom, in a plane etc. but they always do. They have no self awareness or self control. I don't want to hear your conversation. I shouldn't have to listen to it.
Well, the manual probably says you're supposed to give them a ticket rather than run them off the road, but your method, if employed consistently by all cops, would probably end the practice more effectively. Except against people driving hummers.
We need suppository cell phones. That would make them inherently hands-free, and give the expression "talking out your a$$" a whole new meaning. Tom
While your orignal rant re: love is 100% accurate...I hope you don't take that stance in dating. No woman wants to hear that kind of reality from someone they might want to date...at least initially. You have to do the dance first to create the bond before you go all pragmatic.
Nobody wants to date me anyway. This is to try to convince them that they are wrong to refuse me just because they think I'm a dweeb.
NEW RANT: Kaopectate used to be made of kaolin (a kind of clay) and pectin (the stuff in fruit that makes jelly jell). It was extremely effective at stopping mild diarrhea. And at the same time it was very gentle. It did not cause constipation. It stopped the diarrhea, and a few hours later you'd have a normal shit. It was great for the kind of mild diarrhea caused by nervousness before travel or a foot race, or eating food that was not actually bad but that your stomach was not used to, or even the consequencs of eating something with milk in it if you are lactose intolerant. Effective and safe. What's there to hurt you in clay and fruit pectin? Then one day when I was not looking, they switched the formula from kaolin and pectin to bismuth subsalicilate, which as many of you will recognize is Pepto Bismal. Pepto Bismal is not actually bad stuff, but it is both less effective and less mild than the old Kaopectate. It does not stop diarrhea as effectively, and when it does, and you do shit again, it's black and harder. A pharmacist said the FDA had demanded new testing of a lot of OTC remedies and the maker of Kaopectate didn't want to spend the money on new trials, so without telling anybody they just became a generic of Pepto Bismal. And now you cannot get kaolin-pectin any more! Immodium is much too powerful, stops you shitting for three days, and when it finally wears off it all comes out in a flood and you have to take the damn stuff again or shit your guts right out your donkey. In Spain you can get an OTC stuff, whose name I forget, which has a tincture of opium and does not work as well as kaolin-pectin. What the bloody poop-eating hell were those fart-headed cross-eyed piss-faced drug company executives thinking when they decided to screw over sufferers of diarrhea by taking the one and only really effective remedy off the market?!?!?!?!? Throw them all in a sunless dungeon and make them listen to recitations in English translation of the speeches of Enver Hoxha at high volume nonstop day and night and feed them nothing but moldy bread with ashes in it and stale beer mixed with horse piss. (Now that's what a rant should sound like, folks. Let's have more of them.)
I used to make Kaopectate. You should have seen the tank cars full of kaolin. There must be a lot of diarrhea in the world, although I'd rather not think about it. Tom
You are ALL an incredible waste of time! Here I am risking my job if I get caught spending too much time on the internet and for what? Lame rants about Love (which is an artifical concept developed by Greeting Card companies to make money off us) and someone ranting because he is pooping too much and can't find a cure. GET OVER IT! Try sticking a rock in it - the reason that Kao stuff worked is because it was made out of clay. Clay turns to rock under heat and pressure. Problem solved. As for everyone debating the whole dating thing, what, you don't have a hand and an internet connection? What MORE do you want out of life? Geez! I have a REAL problem - I can't get rid of this albatross called a Prius no matter how hard I try to trade it off. I wasted another day Friday for nothing (gotta love car lots...). What's up with this? Hey, why are my hands shaking and foam coming out my mouth? No! You can't take my keyboard away! I won't allo Sorry about that. Mr. Lewis has been sedated and returned to his cell. Please continue with your silly little thread. THE MANAGEMENT
LMAO @ Lewis! That almost reminded me of the "crazy German kid watching porn". I won't link to it but Google it if you dare. lol
That crazy German kid trashing his computer has been around for a long time. Depending on the version, the video is always the same, but the subtitles have him trying to play a game, or wanting to watch porn, or... take your pick. I have no idea what he's really saying, other than that he's obviously angry (or pretending to be). I suspect it's an act. Who would videotape a kid apparently hysterical and destroying a (supposedly) perfectly good computer without intervening? But if it's an act... and regardless, anybody can take it and put their own subtitles on it. If anybody here speaks German it would be interesting to know the gist of it: not necessarily a translation of the whole thing, but generally what's bothing him.
You all call this a RANT thread? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE RANT! Come on, I'll take you ALL on! Those guys in the white coats don't scare me! So I see all these posts about unintended acceleration. Hey, we drive Prius (Prii? Priuseses?)! How would we even KNOW if our cars accelerated suddenly without input? I can barely tell if the thing is moving when I floor it as it is! I'd WELCOME a little unintended acceleration once in a while just to WAKE UP! Where can I get one of those faulty throttle pedals? Hey, Toyota, save those suckers and let us Prius Tree Huggers have them! And why do we care if the silly things won't stop? If they stop, we only have to get them going again, and that REALLY kills the mileage thingy on the display. Which reminds me, does that TV on the dash only get the one boring channel with the lame engine and wheel graphics? I keep trying to find an episode of Opra on it and all I see is some stuff about climate control and radios. I even installed the satellite thingy, and now I get great sound but no picture to go with it! I need to call my cable provider. How many miles of coax do I need to buy to get this thing to work while I drive around? Uh oh, here comes someone wanting to take my computer. Time to get the flock outa here! :flock:
TRYING to explain to my son tonight why we never send our food back in a restaurant. If you didn't like it before, what makes you think you're going to like it after you piss the chef off? Duh! *did I get it right this time?*
Restaurants, why did you have to bring up restauRANTS? Why are there only two types of waiters/waitresses? They either interrupt you ten times to ask how your meal is, or they walk thru the room ten times and never acknowledge you. Please, just make eye contact, I'll let you know if I need something. When I am obviously done with my meal, bring me the damn check. Why do I have to beg to give you money? Why do I have to wait to pay you? No other industry makes it difficult to give them money. Why do people that never do online banking or purchases because of "credit card security", think nothing about giving their credit card to a twenty something year old, minimum wage waiter, who then disappears in the back room with your credit card for 5 minutes? Why does your waiter ask if you want dessert when you have not finished your dinner and are sending a half a plate of food to the dumpster? If you do not eat your vegetables, you do not get dessert! Didn't the waiter have a Mom? Don't they know the rules?
Have you watched the movie Waiting? It's about the staff in an Applebees type of restaurant. The movie is totally sick and disgusting, but if you have ever worked in food service you will laugh your rear end off. In one scene a waiter and several cooks are lined up, taking turns doing gross things to a hated customer's hamburger. There is a good reason to not insult people who handle your food. Tom
Why does everybody dump on waitresses? They work their asses off, on their feet for 8 hours, trying to serve twice as many people as it's humanely possible, for less than minimum wage because the damn government figures they're going to get tips so they don't need a real wage, and then the same government taxes them for the tips it assumes they've gotten, whether they have or not, and in cheap restaurants people think it's okay to give just 10% of the bill, and many don't even give that! Then when the poor woman has ten tables to wait on, every person at every one of those tables wants her to keep track of his every bite so that the instant he takes his last bite she'll be at his side, reading his mind to know whether he wants dessert or the check. And then she has to put up with the fact that people will order a perfectly good meal and then leave half of it unfinished while children are starving in Bangladesh. And why is it that cheap restaurants where people leave 25 cents as a tip after a meal that lasted an hour only have women waiting on tables, and people complain that they don't do their job properly, while expensive restaurants where 15% of your bill is $30 only have men waiting on tables? Can you say sex discrimination?