Now correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the boards Spell Checker a function of the software package that is PriusChat? And if thats true that would mean each user would have his or her own personal spell check file. OR isn't there a master word database for the boards Spell Checker that resides within the Server that handles PriusChat??? Danny are you out there .... You would be the one to answer this one!! Thanks de Pat KK6PD
I am new to the group. I sold my Mini Cooper S yesterday and my new Prius is scheduled to be here Wednesday so I am getting very excited. I was wondering if anyone can send me pictures of their Barcelona Red Prius with the White or Gray Prius Hybird Decal set installed. A full side view would be great! I am trying to decided if I want to go Bold (White) or Subtle (Gray). The decals I am asking about can be found here. PriusChat Shop : Prius Hybrid Decal Set - White [Decal-White] - $25.00$22.50 Thanks in advance for your help. Frank Knoxville TN FRANK
Welcome to Prius Chat, Hi from Tennessee, Welcome to the barcelona red thread and I will post some pics of my decals when I get them.
Before we bought our Prius, we found ourselves standing in the parking lot at a nearby mall. We had been discussing colors for a new car, even though at that time the make was still up in the air. Although many of my earlier cars, including my first had been red, I was leaning heavily towards silver, because it was "classy." Stretched out in front of us was the aisle between parked cars. Slowly it dawned on me, almost all of the cars lay somewhere on a half-tone color line between white -- gray or silver -- black. There were some subtle variations of silver that involved minor tints of green, blue, brown etc. Of the 26 cars I could easily count, 23 fell into this pool of sameness. The other three were 2 red cars, and a blue one. It was all too clear; silver was out. I'm a green/earth tones color person. What to do? It would depend on the make of car. Well, sometime later we decided on a Prius, and Prii don't come in a solid, clean green right now, so it would be red, neither green, nor exactly an earth tone, but a color that was alive, vibrant, and well, sexy. And a glorious Barcelona red it is. Here is a picture of our Amapola, "poppy" in Spanish, in the parking garage at work this morning. When I backed in, only the Caddie to the right was there. Later the other colorless cars crept in. I suppose, their owners are hoping against hope that mere proximity will somehow lead to some miraculous transfer of coloration, and bring some light, and joy, and pizzaz into their concrete gray world.
I am sure this doesn't apply to Prius owners but I seemed to get more Police attention driving my cherry red (or whatever the bright red color was called) Celica Gt in the 80's. I.m sure I may have invited some of the attention. My speedometer wire snapped at 90,000 miles and I didn't bother replacing it for another four years (probably 80, 000 miles given my long trip to and from work. God bless radar detectors...mine held the State Troopers at a distance. When the radar detector malfunctioned I received two speeding tickets in one week. The first one I thought was a fluke. I purchased a speedometer coil for the car, drove it another year and realized I was probably lucky. Anyway, I heard bright red cars seem to get the most police attention...don't know if its really true but I was convinced it was the week I got two speeders.
Re: Close Encounters of the Prii Kind In post #44, I included a picture of Amapola in her weekday parking slot. So today, Saturday, I get to park in the spot usually occupied by the Caddie. When I get to work at 9 AM, I'm the only one parked there. But when I return at 5 PM, Holy Hybrid Synergy Drive Batman ! ! ! ! This is exactly the same spot the earlier pix was taken. When I took the pix, there was a third Barcelona red Prius behind me. Where did the B. red Prii come from? How did the other B. red Prii know to come to this very spot? OMG, what's going on here? Is it the GPS? Are they talking to each other? What's that eerie music in the background? This is all just a coincidence... right?
I don't think it applies to the Prius...but I don't know. Yoda has yet to go more than 5 MPH over the speed limit!
Attached are two pictures of the back of Yoda taken recently. We bought the bumper sticker at We have a photo album of pictures of Yoda's first road trip to St. Augustine available at our Target Ofoto photo album: Target Join now and receive beautiful photographic prints from your camera. We saw another Barcelona Red at an intersection last week, and the driver stopped and waved to us. Looking at their car, it was love at first sight!