Nice thought, but sadly no, my pool will be the only water I see this week. The next poster wonders how long this server upgrade will last...
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a nice long ride... B) The next poster impressed their boss today with something they figured out how to do.
actually i impressed the heck out of one of my bosses at a meeting on wednesday. (i technically have three bosses... joys of collaboration!) he called me this afternoon to tell me how pleased he was with me. the next poster thinks this is the week from hell. actually i impressed the heck out of one of my bosses at a meeting on wednesday. (i technically have three bosses... joys of collaboration!) he called me this afternoon to tell me how pleased he was with me. the next poster thinks this is the week from hell.
Naaa, not that bad, but not the greatest either. (Sorry yours is h-e-double-hockey-sticks bad.) The next poster is looking at record breaking temps in the high 90's this weekend.
No, I just spilled a large glass of water on my my wife (while she was sleeping! - certainly not getting anywhere near jiggy wit' it) Congrats on the success of your presentation Galaxee The next poster is happy it's a short week.
I sure hope so. It's going to be busy, but what else is new? The next poster has been called to start jury duty on Monday. Yeah... <_<
Nope I've sucessfully avoided it for years B) The next poster just got hit with a large expense they were not expecting
Geez... I hope not. (Sorry to hear that Darken.) The next poster just had to use a typewriter! How archaic!
No, but the last one owned was a Royale The next poster is giving the dog a bath or going to try anyway!
Nope... don't have dog to bathe and I value my skin too much to ever attempt that with one of my cats! The next poster is ready for happy hour to begin.
though i could use a strong drink i don't have the energy left to metabolize it... the next poster is still doing work related stuff.
wrong, Blue Devil Breath, though watching the Cubs play dismally today against the Braves on TV, then have their pitcher and catcher fight TWICE, once on TV in the dugout and again in the clubhouse (catcher had to go for stitches afterward), FELT like work! The Cubs are a train wreck. Our next guest can do this: 1) place two hands "pointed at" each other at chest level, about 8-12" apart, and about 8" away from the body; 2) rotate the left hand and forearm so as to describe small circles (about 6" in diameter) in a CLOCKWISE direction, WHILE 3) rotating the right hand and forearm, also in clockwise circles. (Anyone able to do this on the first try may be an alien.)
Yes (what's so hard abour that??) and I am not an alien, was born in the U.S. Next poster is glad to be back at FHOP after a few days of inaccessibilities.
Always. The next poster also has jury duty coming up on the 14th, but when asked if he/she can be objective, will say no, since they think everyone should not be judged at all.
No, no jury duty here, but a good way to get out of it. The next poster is going to the Farmers Market this morning (good ole street vending)
No it's back to the zen art of placing rocks (fossil bearing) on a pathway through my japanese garden. The next poster has been stuck in a blizzard.