i generally don't get cold feet in the figurative sense. the next poster is taking one more hour to rest.
Probably less than an hour....... The next poster will be showering and enjoying her 2 mile commute to work in 45 minutes
I did enjoy my shower, after my sauna (warm feet!) - and am thinking about what to do this afternoon. The next poster was looking forward to a trip, which has now been put on hold
No... I am hoping our quick overnighter to go to a wedding in another town is on for weekend after next. The next poster could use a change of scenery. And someone else to make the bed for them.
Yes! The next poster now sees this :boxes with shapes but no letters : from his left eye due to the diabetes. Fortunately the next poster can still see with his right eye.
Yes... and I really enjoy seeing with my mind's eye as well. The next poster wishes they could twich their nose (a la Bewitched) and make everything better for TJ.
Absolutely but in the real world..... The next poster support research to treat all illnesses and promote health for all!
I'm all about health promotion. Literally! The next poster just got copy of birth certificate in the mail and can now... apply for a passport!
I think they had birth certificates back when I was born. The next poster is thinking about actually using their passport next month.
No... not next month, but the month after, yes. The next poster forgot to put on a watch today and feels rather... nekkid.
Yes - um, no. I have not worn a watch in a long time! The next poster hopes Hyo decides to use his passport to come down this way!
Hmmmmm, My passport has been gather dust lately, Canada would be a good option.... oops, little late there....I would love to have a day with all nice people! The next poster is trying to decide if she should go shopping or stay home and cook (cooking will be slightly limited by not going shopping) Rae Vynn, I'm with you.....what's a watch?!
Nope The next poster is wondering when it's time to be nice, until it's time not to be nice. (so it's a line from a movie that is stuck in my head, sort of....)
It's always time for something, the hard part is knowing what. The next poster spent most of the day washing, waxing, vacuuming, and detailing their car, only to have their @#%!! neighbour fire up his &*%#@! leafblower and blow crap all over it. Edit: And then this morning, somebody keyed the passenger side. That remote wilderness cabin is sounding better all the time. :mad2:
No... I did spend time washing Trixie yesterday though. And sorry to hear your car got keyed hyo! That totally sucks big pickles! The next poster wishes those of the Jewish faith a good Yom Kippur.
Yes! [and Hyo, I'm so very sorry about Silver! Hope he's feeling better, soon!] The next poster is watching it rain sideways. :rain:
No rain here, just pure indignation in light of Hyo's recent bombardment of rudeness. The next poster is counting the days until the end of service and football season... a step down in stress in 37 days and then a chance to relax for realsies in 71 days!