No, but there's a bit of lamb in the oven... The next poster watched "Into the Wild" last night and has been hungry ever since.
Can't stand the lamb though I have cooked it for my mom. The next poster is discovering the joys of a new Mac Book and regretting not backing up the old PC......
ah the joys of a mac! I still enjoy mine. The next poster is off to the renaissance faire but would rather be waxing her car.
No rennaisance faire this year -- those turkey drumsticks are too much! The next poster wishes all a happy Jewish New Year. It's 5770 already! (Feeling older?) Shanah Tovah !
Sure. (Wow, that was a longer sleep than it felt like. How did it get to be the eighth century of the sixth millennium already?) The next poster hopes their dog will live well past her bark mitzvah.
Poo! I have to work so no grill tonight. The next poster is trying to re-arrange the furniture to increase flow and function!
yes, sometimes, we just have to rearrange furniture, but at least for me, not for a few months. the next poster is celebrating her/their wedding anniversary tomorrow, it's the 21st on the 21st.
Ohhhh no, but sounds interesting. The next poster wants another weekend to recover from their busy weekend.
Yes. In fact, I have a Roomba, and I STILL have been procrastinating on letting him loose on the floors. The next poster thinks Janis is a genius, and that we really SHOULD have another weekend.
I do! Very much as a matter of fact. The next poster just called their daughter and wished her a happy 21st birthday at the exact time she was born 21 years ago.
Definitely not - I can't imagine my world without children. The next poster wants to sit with the kids during big family dinners because they're more honest and way more fun.
Absolutely! They're the only ones willing to tell you when you got a bugger in your nose. The next poster needs to remember if her haircut is tomorrow and the dogs groom thursday or the other way around.
Yes, I've wondered, and decided it's the same as before all this: nothing. The next poster's sad for TJ, having to think such morbid thoughts about his own mortality, and wishes they could give him a hug.