A shower? I'm wet enough just sitting here. The next poster's dog is laying in front of the fan, panting.
No, she went to doggie heaven a year ago. The next poster has been watching beautiful horses blow green slobber into the wind instead.
:welcome: Yes! The next poster is heading off to bed now, since the temps have dropped to a sleepable level.
Went to bed almost at same time as you. The next poster will also get a kick from this thread. http://priuschat.com/forums/freds-h...er-fine-line-between-spamming-supporting.html
Ouch! (from the kick) The next poster walked to the local farmer's market at lunch today and bought some yummy looking white peaches.
No, I prefer peach-coloured peaches. As much as the next poster enjoys some heat, this morning's cool breeze feels quite pleasant.
No, I'm kinda waiting for Sunday [Ren Faire, will costume for it - photos will be posted] The next poster has nothing to say.
Damm! Can't get out of that one Rae! Now I have to post. I just started the Cookie Diet. The next poster has a spare tire.
No cookie diet for me. So Mark... are you saying that you have a muffin top going on...?-_- The next poster is looking forward to soaring up in the wild blue yonder again tomorrow with their honey during another flying lesson.
Enjoy your flights of fancy! The next poster is about to pulse & glide, for pedaling & paddling in the Green Mountain state.
No, but I hope you have a great time! The Next Poster has finally had a couple of photos accepted by a stock photo site! Yay!! [ Editorial Photo: Welcome to the Faire Editorial Image: Royalty at the Faire ]
Way to go, Rae! The next poster just put together a diy drop-leaf breakfast bar and two stools and wants to know what to do with all of the leftover bits and pieces...
Why does that always happen?!!!!! The next poster cannot have any fun tomorrow, she has to work.. blah, blah, blah........
Yup... am here at work, but trying to still have fun! The next poster made brownies (I know... shockingly not muffins!) and brought them into work today.
Nope. And you should have your "muffinologist" credentials examined, Janis! The next poster believes that pet expenses should be covered by health insurance as necessary mental health expenditures.