No. No work accomplished here this weekend The next poster just got over the first cold they've had this half of the decade (summer colds suck!)
No, but yeah, colds during the summer stinks. The next poster just got in from a midnight dip in the pool.
No, don't have a pool. But the rain's about to turn my backyard into a pool! :rain: Next poster is about to hit the sack!
Yes I have. The next poster is having a difficult time adjusting to working again after being off almost 6 months.
Speaking for the Prii crew, the next poster is glad that new work has worked out for Janis . Muffins on the house!
In a sense. The next poster has to learn to drive with their left foot or paddles on the car. At least the next poster may have to very soon.
No... and it doesn't sound like fun TJ. The next poster wants to know what Rae's new adventure is. (Thanks Spectra! I'm driving pretty far to work - 31 miles each way in downtown LA traffic, but in this economy you really can't turn down a good offer.)
No, but I do have enzymes in the food I eat... [I'm in the process of launching a writing career - copy writing, and travel writing, and throwing in a bit of photography as well] The next poster is sorely in need of a "me" day.
Yes I am... that sounds truly heavenly! The next poster is enjoying watching their mpg's climb as a result of more highway driving.
No, usually, my only highway driving is summer holidays. The next poster is suffering a chemical imbalance this morning, which will be only partly alleviated by a large cup of coffee.
Yes, wow, how did you guess? The next poster, like me, thinks that horoscopes are insignificant and enjoy 'proving' it to others, quoting James Randi ( Don't get me started on homeopathic sugar.
No, Yes... um, Maybe. [I'm a poster child for Leo] The next poster is home from a short vacation. When is the next one?
Yes, and the next vacation (long or short) can't be soon enough! The next poster is not going to the theater this weekend to see the "Harry Potter" movie.
No, went to see The Proposal, chick flick, the kind I like. The next poster would like to Run off somewhere on their own with nobody to hassle them.
Yes I would as long as I can take a companion of my choice. The next poster can not believe that their "baby" is going to be 18 tomorrow. (Just how did all those years fly by so fast!)