Nope, no blood pressure monitors available in the office. The next poster saw Spamalot this weekend (for cheap!) and loved it.
Nope, but I would love to see it. The next poster saw this GO Mustang from Illinois and it had on the side, and rear a badge that said 'TKO' and has never seen that kind of badge before. Any ideas as to what it means?
No not six weeks, but I do have an Exam this week, and have been studying, hoping to at least pass. The next poster is immersed in his Kindle.
No; I have a Kindle but I never use it. Waste of my money. The next poster should just sell the aforementioned Kindle.
No, but I walked barefoot on the gravel yesterday. The next poster has opened a car door while backing out of a garage...
No, but I have clipped a mirror before. The next poster is going shopping for some potted/house plants tomorrow. They need some outdoor plants that can survive in direct sunlight, and some indoor houseplants that can live in low light.
No, it's the coldest day in June and overcast here. The next poster feels guilty for going to bed before the kids do.
Heck no, I wouldn't get any sleep at all if I waited up for them. The next poster had to rescue this thread from page 3.
Page 3, ok; but the the next poster wonders what evil may arise ..... .... from this being page 6 6 6 of the thread :scared:
Nah, that was the last page (it depends on your forum settings) The next poster has to write a bio. I hate writing bios.
Nope, but I spotted a new Honda Insight. Shall we start an Audobon Prius Group with an annual "Prius Count Day"? The next poster loves state fairs.
Yes, I'm both retro and progressive at the same time! The next poster will be working this weekend... :blah::blah: