No way. The next poster if they could, would sell their house, and buy a R/V, and spend the rest of their days just cruising the country, a bit at a time.
Some day, on the way to New Zealand. The next poster's dog has appointed herself head of the flying insect patrol unit.
No, but our cat does manage to snag a few occasionally. The next poster would also like to visit 'Down Under'...
Been there? Hey, I've only been gone a couple of months total in my whole life. The next poster works too hard.
Not even close! [and, I've been to Canada, Mexico, and... um, that's it. Not well traveled, like most Americans, I'm afraid] The next poster has entered a contest.
Well, not lately, but yeah I used to be a contest junkie. I even subscribed to that contest gazette newsletter thing. I don't however play the lottery. I did by a ticket few years ago to the St Jude dream home raffle. THe next poster wonders how a plane can just "disappear."
No, that means I would have to sip the drink, instead of gulp it. The next poster likes to go to the local hotel (pub) for a social drink instead of drinking at home. :wave:
Well I'm sure you have a good time, but I've worked in too many emergency rooms and have had too many family members and friends attempt suicide under the influence of alcohol. I pretty much stick with one or two glasses of wine at wedding receptions and don't really miss it. The next poster belongs to a saddle club but doesn't ride horses.
No, but I used to ride horses, sans saddle, and never belonged to a club The next poster is caring for an incapacitated spouse
The next poster is caring for an incapacitated spouse [/quote] NO The next poster enjoys life to the Max!
As much as my time and money will allow, sure. The next poster is sad to see California disintegrating.
yes, I certainly am sad....I love California! The next poster thinks things will get better for all of us!
Nope, at least not until the year 2015, barring no disasters, natural or otherwise, between then and now. The next poster has had a long history of being unfortunately right about the economic turns as of late, and hopes to be wrong in a positive way this time.
No, because I don't generally do predictions. Isn't that weird? LOL The next poster made a fabulous dinner tonight!