NO, no yard work today. I have a yard guy who did though. The next poster is tire of family conflicts that keep rearing their ugly head!
Yes I have. The next poster isn't looking forward to the change in weather that is predicted for today. Yesterday it was a high of 75, and today its supposed to be a high of 42 and snow showers.
Yes. Same weather pattern here, one state south of yours. (St. Herbert, help bring us some fair weather!) The next poster is not the least bit Catholic but loves to borrow their patron saints.
Not really, but I was once Catholic. The next poster just got back from the airport picking up someone.
No airports today. And I just had lunch - not even thinking about dinner yet. The next poster's going for a walk in the warm, fresh spring air.
No... it hurts to walk too much right now. The next poster is surprised to find out that a pedestrian coming out from between parked cars, who then collides with a moving motorcycle, can make you feel like they are a Mac truck when they hit you and you go down.
Yes... I do and thanks Spectra! The next poster thinks that Easter Bunny farts would probably smell like jelly beans.
No... sorry, Hyo. Drink some water The next poster has a long list of to do today... and where is my motivation?
What does your motivation look like? My motivation looks like 10 pounds of coleslaw and a 30 pound ham. Necessity is the mother of motivation. The next poster cleaned out the refrigerator today.
Nope, but I cleaned out the bunny houses. The next poster bought lots of Easter baskets today for the kids in their family.
Nope. The next poster has been to six car shows with their Mustang, and won first place each time. Which is freaking them out a bit.
No Mustangs here, but way to go, TJ. Love the nails, by the way. The next poster used their bunny magic last night to avoid having their picture taken while wearing bunny ears and carrying a basket of chocolate eggs to hide.
No, but that was really good thinking, Hyo. The next poster has garden plants to plant, but it's raining!
No. I have two brown thumbs. Well, not colored that way. The next poster is pleased that Spring has Sprung.
Without a doubt. TJ do you have pix posted of your Mustang show adventures? I enjoyed reading Doc Willie's illustrated car show travelogue in another thread. The next poster needs to add water to the fish tank. It's making weird noises.