No. The next poster had their first ever full body massage, naked, (with a towel), and found it very nice. And will go again soon.
No, I don't get out much at tax time. The next poster would love a massage, too, and enjoys reciprocating.
No... there's too many to count and I only have 10 fingers and 10 toes. The next poster is sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!!
I certainly was! I'm feeling much better now The next poster is eagerly awaiting real Spring... not just calendar Spring...
No, this poster's ahead of the last poster on that one. The next poster's just finished their supper break and is going back to work now.
Went to work making these pictures. So..... The next poster will read up on this thread (and use the Thanks button?)
Yes. The next poster almost accidentally hit the 'thanks' button twice when thinking they were hitting the 'reply' button.
Nope... The next poster wonders if Hallmark now sells April Fool's Day cards furthering their efforts to commercialize every "holiday" possible.
I would not be surprised. The next poster just found out that because their Apple is crashing so much, the book they were writing for the last two years is gone. All the back ups to it as well.
True. The next poster will be getting her Prius back soon! Yay! [no, nothing is wrong with it. DH has been driving Rudy since HIS car has been used by his son, since the son's car was totalled. Son has bought a vehicle of his own now]