Nope, about equally insufficient amounts of both I guess. The next poster really likes the new look of PriusChat. (P.S. I've been known to somnambulate myself from time to time. Also found out that I also experience bruxism, another sleep disorder)
Oh, don't hate me, but I really, really did not notice until the previous poster pointed out that PC had changed. The next poster sometimes doesn't notice it all.
No... I notice. I am a detail person. It can sometimes be a curse. The next poster is on facebook. (awwww... I'm sorry to hear about your job Rae. Sending good positive thoughts your way!)
If you are talking about the last press conference yes. The next poster has fallen behind on their "change my life in a year" plans.
i think i'm just behind on everything right now. and yet, on the verge of so much. quite the paradox... the next poster is set on graduating in may, come hell or high water. or both.
Congratulations Galaxee ! (When do you submit your dissertation?) The next poster is hoplessly conflicted by finding that what they've just been working on really isn't the thing they thought it was, at all.
I hate it when that happens. Is a crisis inevitable at mid life? The next poster's still waiting for the sports car and girlfriend part of his mid-life crisis.
No, but I am on Facebook [maybe if that "sportscar" is a 2010 Prius, Hyo?] The next poster doesn't want to drive in the snow today.
I didn't. But I had to drive to drop a friend off at the Amtrak station. It was sunny anyway. The next poster is done writing her/his dissertation and is getting ready for the defense (and also excited that Galaxee is also on her way to 'getting out').
not done writing yet, i've got a solid draft of chapters 2-5 though. good luck michgal! the next poster is not looking forward to grading 94 exams this coming week AND hopefully finishing that last experiment.
Hmm, no. I have several already. The next poster just got back from a spur-of-the-moment vacation to Oregon
working at midnight, that's only semi-nightmarish isn't it? the next poster is too wound up to sleep.
Constantly. I really should cut back on my caffeine intake. The next poster saw Coraline (in 3D) this weekend and enjoyed it very much.
No... though I watched the sun set into the ocean last night, and enjoyed that very much! The next poster has to go shopping today, for groceries, and is in a tizzy because of burritos thread on carbon footprints and shopping trips!! :gasp:
No tizzy, we do what we can. The next poster used to ride their bicycle to do the family grocery shopping, and often carried up to 80 pounds.
Nope... can't say I've ever done that. The next poster is wondering about TJ's Steven Kingish experience.