from earth, to earth, apple pie and all the next poster dined on a late supper of salmon, tomato, and feta cheese
No... I don't particularly like salmon, but I do love feta and tomatoes. The next poster is at loose ends...
I've tied up a few loose ends on occasion. Hope that all goes well in your search. The next poster only rarely posts anything in this thread.
No. Not as prolific as some maybe, but not exactly rarely. The next poster's puppy has doubled her weight in the last month.
Always. The next poster just had their lending bank okay the short sale to their house that has been for sale for a year and seven months in South Florida that they paid $315k for and are now short selling for $110k which sucks but at least it's out of the next posters hair.
No. Congrats, I guess. Just a simple mortgage refinance for us, that will halve our interest rate. The next poster is ENJOYING raw food. Really.
Nope, she just lives in a house hidden in the pines and listens to her son pick a little bluegrass banjo whenever he gets the itch to do so. The next poster checks into FHOP monthly just to see eclectcmoi's latest avatar.
nope. i'm quite familiar with it! the next poster has been running beyond capacity since they can't remember when.
Not really... I'm working at far less than capacity now, and I'm also very underpaid... so it evens out, sorta. The next poster might be unemployed soon...
Already there... The next poster is watching her daughter's pet chinchilla take a dust bath. (hey... don't ya'll be jealous of my exciting life now, okay?!)
No, but my cat is snoring. The next poster wishes eclecticmoi well whether or not she is job hunting...
No. That really blows. Sorry to hear it, Rae Vynn. The next poster's off to pick up their daughter now.
No, but I am sitting in Starbucks, drinking brewed coffee, surfing the web, and watching our son work The next poster now has More Time Than Money... which isn't all bad!!