Sure, why not, every day I spend with good health is a happy day. The next poster is writing his/her Ph.D. dissertation which is due in a couple of weeks!
No, I think I would just cut and paste it from somewhere if I were you. The next poster is still trying to figure out how to kick start their life-altering year.
No, but I got one of those amazing synchronicity things via email today. The next poster is a little on the chilled side. brrrrrrrrr
Actually, yes, but DW had the beer. The next poster is the son of a son , son of a son, son of son of a sailor.
No, it's still too cold for that, even in the house. Maybe in August. The next poster's puppy can shred a tissue box in seconds.
Depends on whose kitty litter we're talking about. The next poster is a fan of italics but only when used sparingly.
Oh, I LOVE italics! I should use them very sparingly. The next poster needs to make cat food. After that, it's cleaning the litter box. I think there's a connection there...
No... I don't make cat food, but I sure do clean out the litter box. The next poster has a cat who thinks he's a dog and knows how to fetch.
Yes, but she doesn't fetch. She does beg at the table, and chases her tail (actually being a cat, she is also able to catch it). The next poster woke up to SNOW this morning...
Yes, I did, and more snow flew all day. The next poster was pleasantly surprised to arrive home to cleared sidewalks.
My sidewalks are always clear. One of the benefits to living in So Cal... The next poster has a cold nose, but a warm heart.