No... but looking forward to seeing all your photos Rae and thanks much! I missed being with you all too. It looks like it was an incredible experience! The next poster is chewing gum and trying really hard not to pop it.
Nope. The next poster had an eyelash stuck in his eye since last Thursday, but it's been taken out by the eye doc, and also, does not have glaucoma.
Wooo Hooooo! I'm so glad to hear that, TJ!! The next poster may NEVER get through all these photos...
Right you are. I may never get through all those photos. Looks like a rollicking good time! Name-face connections very interesting! The next poster wonders how the PriusChat crew were selected for their journey into 2010 ... (hmmm, maybe Toyota thought I'd drag that kayak along .... )
Nope, I understand and wished I could've went too. The next poster is getting the DVR ready for the inauguration.
Nope, no DVR. No broadcast or cable either. I'll expect a full minute-by-minute report posted here in FHOP whcardin! I'm counting on you. No pressure. The next poster is enjoying the unseasonably warm weather.
Indeed it is! The next poster once drove through ice-fog on the Blue Ridge Parkway (NC) when the trees were covered with hoar frost
No... and what are you doing talking about frigid ho's like that Spectra? The next poster is ticked off that they passed on the Prius Connection 2010 reveal because of work and then in the same week, was told their job would be eliminated at the end of the month!
That does suck, Janis. I'm still waiting on my contract for this year! The next poster is making pizza for dinner...
leftover chicken & ravioli here ... The next poster thinks Obama-job #1 is to make sure Janis doesn't lose her job. Does "eliminated" mean fired or 'just' "re-structured" (massive eye-roll)? Your PriusChat buds are concerned....
I only can wish and hope Spectra! It's a 're-structured' elimination. Working for a very small company that does property development and as the exec assistant to the president of a company that is hurting bad, he feels it's his duty to give up his assistant and do the work himself. Admirable of him, but sucks for me. The next poster (and me too!) is very thankful for friends who care.
Janis, I really enjoy your posts and enjoy responding to them in a provactive way when I can. I hope this setback at work for you is very temporary and it creates better opportunities for you in the near future. We are all in the same boat...some of us are still in the boat but those that aren't need to hold on to you always, Terry
[and now, back to your regularly scheduled game show] Yes. The next poster had wine with dinner (organic "Bare Naked merlot")
No, not old enough to drink for another year and 2 months. The next poster is 1 week away from taking his EMT National Registry test
No... not rabies, but maybe a hive or two. The next poster just listened to Obama's inauguration speech. (Thanks for your kind words Terry. I really do appreciate your post and your good wishes.)