Almost--I have a bunny, playing at my feet and Cat who's playing with the bunny. They all like playing with wrapping paper cardboard tubes. The next poster is listening to the rain and is thankful it's not snow!
No, but I got the joke. The next poster has a Apple Computer that is less then three years old, and is seriously in need of a check up from the mother board up, and can't afford it, so it crashes every few minutes sometimes, which sucks.
TJ, you might open the case and use compressed air to blow the dust out of it. Unplug it first, of course. The next poster was nearly late for work this morning!
No, I went in early so I could leave early. The next poster is trying to think of something good to bake tomorrow for a Christmas party.
Nope. The cinnamon roll dough is rising right now... Christmas morning tradition. The next poster occasionally laughs at
How do you know I am not Santa? The next poster is surprising his wife with home made pretzel bread that will be done baking in the morning, so the house will smell YUMMY!® when she wakes up.
Close... the cinnamon rolls are out of the oven, and I had coffee ready for JavaJunki when he woke up! The next poster is ready for this morning's onslaught of family & friends...
No, our big family 'do' is tomorrow. The next poster's very tired from shovelling snow and chipping ice all day. And digging the car out.
Not really. The next poster is too busy to keep tunes or to check PriusChat 10 times a day like good old times. It's more like once a month for PC now.
I would indeed. The next poster spent hours digging a parking spot out of the snow, only to have some inconsiderate jerk steal it while they were gone.
No, but I did see some pretty selfish parking jobs when I was out shopping yesterday! :gasp: The next poster is enjoying Sunday morning by making waffles...
Why, I did! The next poster has a handicap parking pass, that is about to expire, and will now have to shlep from the regular parking spaces, and even though that means the next poster is recovering, and thus no longer in the need for the handicap pass, the next poster is admitting in public that the next poster kind of enjoys the ability to park closer to the stores.
No, but I see why you're conflicted. Every long once in a while I have the urge to have a baby just so I can park in those "new mommy" spaces. (Just kidding). Good news, I read in the paper this weekend that TN passed a law where Prius drivers now can officially drive in HOV lane legally! :cheer2: The next poster remains hopeful about 2009 and is looking forward to a new year.