No... not at all. I love elevators. B) The next poster now has that "Love in an elevator" song going through their head.
Yes I do. However, I have a problem with going to bed too late. When'd I get old? The next poster cleaned the house last night.
no, moved all the furniture and both places really NEED a good cleaning! the next poster is tired and sore.
Nope, yesterday I was tired...but not sore. The next poster still doesn't know what s/he wants to do today.
i'm well aware of what needs to be done, but what i want to do is sleep. all day. and then all night. and take lots of ibuprofen. then maybe eat some pizza or something. i do not know. the next poster is going out for lunch today.
No, I'm staying in my cubicle for lunch today. Can't spend the extra time eating because I have to do some animation, and then go teach college kids how to do animation later today... The next poster has never gone a single day in their life without food.
Nope. Decided I wanted to lose weight as a senior in high school and went days without eating. Stupid and young. The next poster is having soup for lunch.
No... thanks goodness. Not yet, at least. The next poster can't believe that I just purchased Cirque du Soleil tickets for a show that's not until November.