I was, but a quick phone call cleared things up! The next poster has to pick someone up at the airport today.
Nope. Toast and jam. The next poster has a cat on his/her lap (amazing how I'm learning to do computer stuff with a cat on my lap...)
Nope, just finished. The next poster's going to ride their recumbent tricycle in a Santa Claus parade tomorrow. Let it snow, let it snow...
Nope, but I am going to a white elephant Christmas gift exchange! The next poster is going to the grocery store.
No, but we did plug in the new string of LED xmas lights to see how they look. Decorating will commence presently. The next poster is going greener for christmas, and bought LED lights
Nope, greener still: No lights at all (as in Christmas lights). The next poster likes that he/she is been green by doing that, but also admits it's cheaper not spending the extra money on electricity.
No I'll save somewhere else. I love the lights and we have plenty of elec. down here. We do always plant our tree after Christmas somewhere. Where I grew up we have some huge ones now. The next poster ate tons of Brie tonight.
Not major, but a shopping trip nonetheless. The next poster got a really cool Secret Santa present today.
Yesh. The next poster is about to make Christmas cards, then send them, then you know, um, well, yeah. That's about it, actually.