I have an idiot light for that, but maybe I should. The next poster is thinking that fall is colder this year then last.
I can't really comment on that at this moment. However the summer weather here has been hot, humid and thunderstormy which is all quite typical (or so I'm told). The next poster has accepted the inevitable.
Yes, Monday has arrived and all that goes with it. The next poster welcomes the first snowfall that "sticks".
No... it's 86 degrees here today. The next poster fell in love with the beauty of the desert over the weekend.
No The next poster saw the latest 007 film, and thought it was like an extended ending to the previous 007 film.
No, someone else is cooking dinner tonight. That's different. The next poster had better remember to put out the garbage after supper.
No, that's on Thursday (Dinner turned out spectacular!) The next poster is kicking back with a glass of wine, and probably a movie (Netflix)
Yes I am without the movie. The next poster thinks we should have a virtual wine party or maybe just a late night snack party sometime.
No, but I got some chocolate kisses, unfortunately they contained almonds, which I do not eat.. The next poster is disappointed that moxiequz isn't being allowed to make her planned trip to Aotearoa
Yes, but probably not as much as Moxie. The next poster's too tired tonight to match twits with Samiam.
Nope... have four of them. Five actually I guess if you count Trixie's donut. The next poster is planning on buying the DVD of Wall-E today.
No, but I've heard it's good. The next poster found out this morning that they might be getting their new puppy by Christmas. :whoo:
Awww... puppies... (and Wall-E will be arriving tomorrow from Netflix. We'll watch it before we decide to buy it)... yeah, no puppies here, our cat would freak out. The next poster had some disturbing news this week, but isn't disturbed. Now wonders if response is 'normal'...
Nope. But this poster is DEFINITELY not "normal." The next(!) poster has been away from PC for a while, but is thrilled to be back...
No, I'm here quite a bit... but glad to see rufaro is back! The next poster watched Wall-E.... awwwwwww
No, not yet. Netflix. When I get home. Which will be this Saturday. It will, damn it! The next poster is happy to see rufaro back in action.