Yes, and I have a few scars to prove it. The next poster left home at 9:30 this morning and got back home at 9:30 tonight.
Not quite, but close. The next poster saw Bernie Mac's last film, Soul Men, and thought it was pretty good.
mmm ... a pinch, just how I like it! A first for the next poster: Got pulled over for hyper-miling last night -- Pulsing & gliding at 30 in a 45 mph zone. Thought I might have been drunk. Checked my papers & sent me on my way.
That will be a first if it ever happens. The next poster's being tortured at work by a 'Mouldy Oldies' radio station.
Yes... though our weather is still erratic. We're heading back up into the 80's for the weekend. The next poster (and ya'll know this isn't an excuse) has a headache.
Um, no, I'll leave that to you, Hyo... The next poster has to get up at 0-dark-45 for work-related activities.
Just about. Got nothing done all week and will cram it all in tomorrow. The next poster can feel the cooler weather in their bones.
Yes, I can. I wear sweathshirts and such when it's 80 outside. The next poster has fallen leaves all over their lawn as they've deemed it highly illogical to pick 'em up.
No but I just watched a new trailer move in next door. The next poster hopes their new neighbors like hot tubs.
Yes, but how can you discover new places without blazing new trails? The next poster's feeling the primal urge to hibernate.
Sniffling, sneezing, coughing... I think it's allergies, actually. The next poster is up way too late, after having way too many drinks at a friend's house...
Up too late, yes, but no drinking...working the night shift. the next poster needs to check their tire pressures since the weather got cold.