Well I don't charge if that's what you mean. The next poster is only going to get four hours of sleep before heading to a four hour sales class complete with "role playing" exercises...ugh...somebody medicate me! I think I am going to sneek some rum into my diet coke for class.
My butt is for the moment, but I'm off for provisions soon. The next poster has enlisted several resident spiders to help spookify their house.
Why yes... I have. Especially on my porch. The next poster thinks that not many people want to post next anymore.
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaaa!!! um, true. The next poster is looking at the end of his/her work day, and wondering what fabulous things he/she will be doing later...
It's now later, but too exhausted for wonderful stuff The next poster wonders who's being fooled when manufacturers call a station wagon a 'crossover' ...
Yes Yjr mrcy [pdyrt jsd gohitf piy ,u vpfr smf od d,sty *yes, those letters spell out my reply...see if anyone can figure out what I said....
The next poster has figurd out my code is smart You needed to make "gohitf" "gohitrf" in order to spell "figured" correctly The next poster doesn't do Sudoku
No, but I can nearly guarantee that DH would scarf up a plate of those. The next poster is trying something NEW today... and it isn't working out well
Actually just the opposite. I made a new dish for our potluck today and everyone liked it. The next poster can't even THINK of eating anything more right now... but probably could manage a margarita!
50% right. I am stuffed but am having a beverage of choice right now. The next poster recorded and ad for the radio today and had no idea what they sounded like to everyone else (it wasn't pretty).
No, but I've heard myself, and no, it's not pretty. The next poster wrote a Letter to the Editor today...