Oh yeah... I can even drive a stick shift too. The next poster is very sneezy today. Lovely allergies. (For Halloween... I'm going to be a 20's flapper complete with red feather boa.)
Yes. The allergies are kicking my arse this year. (for Halloween, I'm not sure yet what I will be. Something different, I think) The next poster has completed his/her ballot and sent it in.
Yes I do; I can't afford another cost of living increase (groceries, etc) The next poster got a haircut today (business in the front/party in the back-style)
Uhhh... no. My day for a hair-do or don't if you will is Saturday. Perhaps I will suggest that to my stylist. The next poster is being spoiled by her honey and loving every minute of it.
Nope. At least I don't think so. Now that the next poster has a freezer full of yummy, organic, free range beef, they may never buy that commercial crap ever again.
Yes I did! Great BBQ goat and squirrel. The next poster sat outside tonight and almost froze to death.
Nope, but I do have my windows open, its getting pretty cold. The next poster is hoping they won the battle with drain flies.
No, I much prefer not-smooth sweaters. The next poster's recently been introduced to some Kiwi-anish tunes.
Yeah, that does sound good, that or a taco. The next poster wasted about an hour of their life of this website: FAIL Blog: Pictures and Videos of Owned, Pwnd and Fail Moments
Not yet, but that's not saying I won't later. The next poster's had enough of work for the day and is going home for supper.