Yes, but only if they are ripe kiwi dollars. The next poster is in the process of buying a card for their mother's birthday, which is today.
No... but happy birthday to your mom! The next poster used to send flowers to their mom on their birthday with a card that said... If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be celebrating my birthday. Thanks for having me!
I actually send THIS now instead. Bouquet of fruits, nicely cut. ( However, Yanis, that message is way to mushy for a grown man to send... Yet, on a humorous note, I could send something similar to Dad, totally rephrased. The next poster is looking forward to TGIF.
Yes I am! [btw, you can send me any of those edible bouquets, anytime!] The next poster dressed up today, for no apparent reason.
looking forward more to the end of TGIF, likely around 8pm with the hours i've been putting in lately. edit: oops! nope, i dressed down since i'm working with radioactivity. the next poster is enjoying a homemade fruit smoothie, made last week and stored in the freezer until now.
No, but sounds like a perfect dinner to me. The next poster fell last night and sprained their knee. (and no... it wasn't a margarita issue either!)
No, I fell asleep but with no injuries. GWS The next poster doesn't believe Eclectcmoi's fall wasn't margarita related.
No, I do believe her. Now that the first frost has hit, the next poster finally relented and turned the heat on.
No, I need to scrape it. The next poster is so sleepy that they are too tired to get undressed and go to bed.
I'm pretty tired, but I still have the energy to strip down. The next poster needs to go buy some groceries.
Yes, on the agenda for tomorrow. The next poster just wrote 'pumpkin seeds' on the shopping list. Really. This nut mix is missing something, and I think that's it.
No but I think that is called an addiction. The next poster bought Chinese food for dinner and tomorrow's lunch but then ate it all at once. Maybe some wine will help?