I'm always planning a vacation, but having just returned from one, it will be a while. The next poster is leaving the office early (a mini-vacation!)
No, but I do have a bad cough this morning. The next poster has had their hours cut in half, and is now among those that telecommute (always a silver lining!)
No... way to be positive Rae! The next poster rode a motorcycle down the Las Vegas strip this past weekend.
No, but I did ride it up in the Sierra Nevada to Lake Tahoe and back. (So it wasn't the Vegas Strip, it was the South Shore Strip. [not that that really exists] ) The next poster voted "present."
Nope. The next poster had a frustrating time with bathroom renovations over the weekend, and will never use those stupid little plastic wall anchors ever again.
Nope, but it does sound like a pain in the butt. The next poster has an appointment to get an oil change.
Not yet, will do so with the winter tire change. The next poster LOVES Barrack Obama so much, he'd be vocal about it. (Disclaimer: I'm a Canadian. I love him.)
No... I'm not a 'he'. The next poster is having a breakfast of fresh fruit, yogurt and... a mini blueberry muffin!
Close -- yogurt & fruit & nuts for lunch. Isn't that the required nutrient intake for Prius drivers? The next poster got in an October kayak trip on Sun. Lots of turtles, but no armadillos.
Not really. I don't get anything done at home due to television. The next poster kinda sees the light at the end of the tunnel of Ph.D. life.
Not yet. The next poster had his/her monitor on their Vista machine go all kaput, and now has to get a new one.
Yeah, and I know where I put it, but isn't not in any uniformed order. The next poster is wearing tennis shoes, and it feels very odd. They usually wear sandals.
Nope! Don't have cable... will find out how it went later, I'm sure. The next poster seems to have lost their ....
Oh good! I thought it was just me... The next poster is happy to see the US dollar up against the Kiwi dollar.