No, but I'm dealing with a bout of hay fever! [lots more C] The next poster updated their signature...
Nope, still the same. The next poster wonders how Rae Vynn can contain her excitement with her cruise only 3 days away.
Sure do! The next poster is worried that they'll be ousted from position of Muffinologist for having a scone for breakfast.
No, but I can imagine your excitement! The next poster thinks a scone counts as a muffin (both quick breads)...
Not signing off, not cruising... The next poster spent most of the weekend restoring antique kitchen cabinet hardware.
No, but I did put up a pot lid holder in my own apartment and assist in putting up new drapes in a friend's apartment. The next poster is a wee bit stressed out.
No... I am extremely relaxed after my long weekend away. The next poster would find it very surprising that someone can go to Las Vegas and not gamble at all.
We might get the tv bundled into the phone. The next poster thinks Frank Bunny's middle name is Norman. Or maybe Neil.
Yes. The next poster went to see the world premire of Michael Moore's "Slacker Uprising" (Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor) and saw him speak.