Yes, and I'm not looking at the custard pie with whipped cream and strawberries on the boss's desk, either. The next poster is already wondering what they'll make for dinner.
Nope, I have leftovers and thawed marinated fish fillets in the fridge. The next poster is relieved their vacation plans are finally settled (yay! NZ!)
No, but I wish you the best of luck on your interview. The next poster wished they had time for a nap, just a little one.
wow, I missed two posts when I posted my previous one!! Yes. I do. I want a nap. [and my vacation plans are set, thanks! No, decided I didn't want that job, after all] The next poster has a smiley face sticker on their computer monitor...
Rightly so, and neither did my parents care for Ike in the 1950's. On that note, as the season progresses, (for better or worse) the next poster seems to have drifted toward Fred's Political House ... Hey why don't you guys stop in some time!
No... I haven't. Not enough muffin talk there for my discerning palate. The next poster has a bamboo plant on their desk that is starting to resemble Jack's beanstalk.
No, but I have a wandering jew that is starting to resemble a dead plant. The next poster is going to use their neti pot, in hopes that it will help their sinus pain.
Mm.. nope. The next poster coordinated/organized a 5k charity run/walk for 6 months, it's tomorrow and it's supposed to rain 100%. Why do bad things happen to good events?
1554 Nope, but I always enjoyed running in the rain, so I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing The next poster was at Angel Stadium tonight for Frankie's historic record-setting night
No... but how cool that you were Sonny Jim! The next poster is looking forward to getting the heck out of Dodge on Thursday.
I would be if you would take me with you, but I doubt that will happen. The next poster is wondering where Janis is going on Thursday.
Yes. Do you think we should ask? The next poster is very hungry and will be making dinner as soon as they get home.
Why yes... as a matter of fact, I am very hungry. The next poster is going to a friend's house for dinner and wonders if it's okay to ask for dessert as a first course? (I'm off to Vegas for along weekend. And you're welcome to stow away in my suitcase wchardin!)
No... just crazy (oh Janis... Hyo would be fun in Vegas too, I'm betting ) The next poster got a new camera to learn...