No, that wasn't Mr Ed. The next poster hoofed it all the way to California to offer Janis a ride, but was turned away....
Yes... now I am. The next poster feels slightly guilty throwing peanut shells on the floor even in a place where it is acceptable. (Spectra - not nearly enough to have imagined that horse! hyo - why, when I asked if that was you, did you answer back... neigh?) :glare:
Peanut shells on the floor? No, that's squirrel behaviour. The next poster can never decide when to be silly and when to be serious. (Janis, I said hey. I thought you said nay. The mask didn't give me away?)
Nope, still working. The next poster thinks galaxee should 'accidentally' get on the wrong flight and head for someplace quiet and very far away.
Yep, I think Hyo has the right idea Gallaxee. (I've been checking out airfares and trips myself!) The next poster is getting really agitated with the puplic library's online renewal system that won't cooperate right now.
I was trying to change my address on my credit card online, it seemed to take. The next poster is craving fried rice.
That would be me. The next person has a sexually transmitted disease. j/k The next person is tired but isn't quite ready to go to sleep.
Yes... it's been a LONG day (and I got to walk in a parade today, too!) The next poster is counting down the days...
No... but if they're handing out samples wchardin, would you bring me back some with zeros on them? The next poster saw a Savannah cat on a leash yesterday at a car show and wants one now. (This is where those samples with zeros will come in handy...)
No... and thank goodness you don't need a license to be a passenger. The next poster is pretending not to see the Reeses Peanut Butter Cups sitting on their desk in a very full candy bowl.