Yes, in a way; I broke my fast. The next poster's mom and dad lives in Hollywood, since they are a white punk on dope... (old song there)
No, I've only been awake for about an hour. The next poster is planning on doing NOTHING today of interest
Oh, I wish. After fixing a leak in the supposedly-professionally-repaired kitchen sink, then building more basement shelves which have to be individually custom fit, the next poster might get around to working on painting the bathroom. Unless of course they tidy the basement first, which is the whole point of all that shelving.
No... no painting for me, unless you count painting my fingernails and toenails. The next poster had fresh caught Alaskan halibut for dinner last night.
I wish. The next poster has a picture of his/her car on their NAV screen as the icon for the vehicle going down the road. Well, at least the same model of the car.
Nope... The next poster is picking their honey up from the airport tonight and is wondering if wearing just a trench coat will pass through security?
Um, no... but let me know how that works out for you. The next poster will be picking up her/his sweetie on Sunday, after an extended time apart.
... and very well done, too ! The next poster has embarked on recording a box of records from the 50's & 60's onto CD's, scratches & all. :music:
No, but sounds good. I have embarked on scanning all my old photos. The next poster is making a list, and checking it thrice...
Seeing who is naughty or nice. The next poster has to spill the beans about something and is afraid of what might happen when that has to happen.
Sorry, just went on a 750 mile round trip and got 52MPG in my 2003 PRIUS. The next poster uses soy milk on their granola.
No... [and for the previous previous poster, I've been trying oat milk, almond milk, and hazelnut milk, and those are really good on the granola, too!) The next poster is really looking forward to the weekend.
Nope but I heard the crickets last night. The next poster finally bought their ticket to paradise today.