No, but we had thunder shaking the tent last week, and a free light show. The next poster's yawns are getting bigger.
No, I had my little break last week, but wasn't aware of finishing any phases. The next poster likes to ponder deep imponderables when nobody's looking.
Nope, would like to...but will probably stay up late and watch the Olympics. The next poster is typing with right hand and petting a very jealous kitty cat with the other (Jasper says 'meow' to you).
Right hand as well, and OHM kitty says 'meow' to you. The next poster is hiding a secret from other Prius posters...Not a bad secret, by the way.
Only if I would have stayed up all night partying! The next poster has a Barry Manilow song running through their head now thanks to TJ mentioning the name Lola in a previous post.
No... but YOU mentioned it, and now... The next poster has a spousal proximity interrupt for 10 days...
Nope. The next poster just put in a better stereo. Now he/she can nav/watch movies while in motion. Not that they would.
Yes. I am. *smile* The next poster is very glad it's going to be nice weather on the East Coast this weekend.