Well, at least there shouldn't be any confusion today about the date format. The next poster is experiencing pre-holiday stress, trying to get everything done.
Nope. The next poster is worried about the health of another PriusChat poster, which is not the previous poster.
Yes, but maybe not about the same not-the-previous-poster. "How does the weatherman always knows when I'm going on holiday?!", wonders the previous poster.
No, but it was drizzling when we got home The next poster is watching a brightly-clad dear hubby mow the lawn! Oh, and the next poster SO needs to wash windows...
Yes... my windows definitely need washing too. The next poster even though they have a migraine, is walking on a cloud!
Well, almost. The next poster does indeed have a headache, but that may be due to the thunderstorms outside.
Thunderstorms for 2 days. Stop sending them east! Next poster brought Priusto dealer for 1st servicing @ 4,738 mi., and was surprised to that the oil change was free. But the bottle of touch-up paint wasn't. Honeymoon's over.
No, my Prius's servicing's never been free. But Neil Sandler does usually give me a gift when I come in. Once it was a Starbucks gift card. This time it's a Target gift card. The nextposter wonders who the previous posters are worring about...