No... and why didn't you do that for Trixie on Saturday, hyo? You have something against blue? The next poster did a lot of projects around the house yesterday, including putting together a DVD cabinet that took all friggen day and wasn't completed until 12:45 am!
Oooh, nope! I was out and about in Dublin, CA yesterday. The next poster (finally) saw The Dark Knight this weekend (on IMAX no less) and loved it.
No, but I'm thinking about seeing it... when it hits DVD. The next poster is out of state (and enjoying seeing lots of Prius).
No, I'm in the same sleepy state I usually am this time of day. The next poster wants to wish saminjax a very hearty welcome back.
I guess, but where'd saminjax go? The next poster posted in the "Please use only five words" thread today.
Lots of reading, yes. And yes, welcome back Saminjax! The next poster took 3 non-guzzling vehicles on a terrific trip over land & sea -- (the bike? hybrid, of course)
No. Okay. So this will make some of you cringe. I bought a house in 2005, with an ARM, (I admit to stupidity). I paid $315k and I put down $75k. I put the house on the market in July of last year. For $270k. Figured it would sell for that. Now, here it is August 2008, and the house is in short sale, with a offer of $170k. The lending bank came to me today with news that they have a Best Possible Offer of $195k, so they want me to come up the $30k (taxes and all), and they will accept the deal. So, if I do this, I will end up paying $30k on a house that I already lost more then $120k on. Thus, the next poster is feeling screwed.
No - got into the office a little while ago. So good morning everyone! (or good afternoon...) Hey Spectra - sweet pics! The next poster has nothing particularly clever or interesting to reveal at this time.
True. Just a little miffed that this hotel "lost" our reservation "when we changed owners. So sorry." The next poster is still on vacation
yes. i have three weeks of brutal hellish crap to get through first. but i bought the plane ticket tonight the next poster has no remaining shred of sleep cycle remaining, has no idea whether they should be awake or asleep, guesses wrong, and will have to be at work and ready to go in 5 hours regardless.
No, thank goodness. But I wish you well, Galaxee, with your 3 weeks and hope they pass quickly. The next poster boss is out of the office ALL WEEK LONG
No... but my boss was out the past two days with food poisoning. Poor man... he's been SICK! The next poster is looking forward to eskimo kisses tomorrow.
Nope, don't even have one. The next poster wonders where the "Google Maps Scavenger Hunt" thread went.