No, all is strangely quiet. The next poster wonders what the heck hyo and samiam got into with the two words/new words thread.
No... but will have to check it out and see. The next poster finally got a full 8 hours sleep last night.
Nope, just the snooze news & bedtime. The next poster is enjoying a miraculous yellow-jacket free summer.
So far. The next poster has a friend who went in the pool with his cell phone, and now wonders if it is dead.
No... I'd think it would be without a doubt! The next poster was rear ended this morning and was so pleased the Prius bumper held up so well. (Hey... welcome back Red. Where ya been?)
Janis!!!!! no comment (too easy) The next poster is overjoyed to see the sun break through the storm clouds for the first time in over a week.
Actually, no, the next poster was pleased that it rained! The next poster has been dry and hot for 18 days this past month.
Longer, I think, though we're having some much needed rain at the moment. The next poster's up early because they were rumbly in the tumbly.
Sort of - up early to drag the crew to tennis lessons. The next poster has 2 feral peacock visitors - 1 white & 1 traditional. (Thanks, Janis - just the usual busy busy with kids pets vacations and life. I missed you guys!)
No peacocks for me. They look pretty though. The next poster is in Berlin, Germany, attending a conference, and just took a 1.5 hour nap under the trees.
No... but sure sounds nice. The next poster will be attending a live art show tonight. (Samiam... HEE!)
[Red, I think I know where those peacocks are from... and how they got there from here is beyond me!] No, I'll be doing some sewing. The next poster is eating raw nuts (no bawdy remarks from the peanut gallery, either!)
Nope, but I am eating peanut butter, JIF! The next poster likes corn chips, pop corn, corn tortillas, most things that have corn in it, but does not like corn on the cob, or corn off the cob for that matter.
Nah, I'm a lover of all things corn. The next poster came this close to serving as an alternate on a jury (but was eventually dismissed).
No, but I envision a shower in the not too distant future. The next poster spent all of Saturday with their car, changing the oil and all three filters, washing, waxing, and getting new tires.