I'm sorry, but no matter how late I get up, there is time for hygene. (MQ, are there such things as domestic, ie. non-wild, jellyfish? Your post started me thinking about the possibility of jellyfish farms.) The next poster is bringing to a close a Monday in which s/he got very little accomplished.
My Monday's only started, but I got some things done yesterday. The next poster is taking their car back to the body shop for the third time to fix a new rattle.
Nope. Haven't gone out of US for 15 months. The next poster is leaving for Berlin, Germany on Saturday for a week long conference.
Nope, but that sounds like fun. I'm not sure if these qualify as domestic but I was thinking along the lines of aquariums. Specifically, the Monterey Bay Aquarium (awesome place to see if anyone's out this way!) which has an ongoing exhibit: Monterey Bay Aquarium: Aquarium Exhibits - Jellies: Living Art. The jellies swim around in dramatically lit tanks. The next poster remembers when the Monterey Bay Aquarium first opened.
ACCCKKKK! the exhibit is CLOSING... darn, that looks so incredibly neat, too!! Okay, I don't remember when it opened, but I have been there once. The next poster has too many travel wishes...
Too much. I need to get out more. The next poster is going to bed early tonight, not early morning like yesterday.
I should, but probably won't. The next poster needs more bookshelves (but has no place to put them). :huh:
Moxiequz has obviously been to my house! The next poster is running out the door on the way to work...
Yeah, if you consider buying a coffee table from a thrift store and refinishing it an important decision. The next poster is in the market for a new couch.
Not yet, but soon maybe. Although I'm thinking about just replacing my couch (when it does finally fall to pieces) with a couple of overstuffed chars instead. I wish you happy couch hunting! (I got lucky and found mine at the Salvation Army when I got my first apartment). The next poster took a gamble and lost.
No, that was a few years ago... [pssst, we need muffins on The List] The next poster just cried over a YouTube video. Sigh. (Christian the Lion: the Full Story)
Nope, never married. The next poster is also figuring out how to straighten out his iTunes collection.
Nah, I'm one of the six people that has yet to jump on iTunes. Although I may be forced to do so in order to catch the last episode of Dr. Horrible . The next poster will be supping on lettuce, tomatoes and edible flowers from a friend's garden tonight.