Nope, but it sounds like you are getting a nice set up over there TJ. The next poster is enjoying some soy crisps.
Love them but out of them. The next poster if about to pop some popcorn. (my microwave only has a "1" , "4" and a "7" working so I get to pop for 1:71. I just thought everyone needed that info).
nope, will be going to sleep soon so no snacks. the next poster is in the process of writing a very frustrating document, which was the subject of several long-winded meetings that amounted to many good ideas being shot down due to lack of feasibility.
No, but I've been there (or close to there) before so you have my sympathies! The next poster is taking a walk down memory lane.
Yes, by playing some Roy Rogers music. The next poster sometimes wishes life was like it was a long time ago.
Nope, I strengthened family ties over the weekend by camping with my siblings' families and parents. However, next weekend I hope to make new friends at Hybridfest. The next poster has a child/children who recently broke a bone.
Heck no. The BeeGees were purged from my song bank decades ago. The next poster's kids trade music with Dad all the time.
No kids. The next poster wore his Dead Kennedys shirt to the Starbucks today, and the barista gave him an extra shot of espresso for free because of that.
No, not this time. (fresh-picked blackberries and vanilla icecream) The next poster got chewed up by skeeters this weekend, picking blackberries but it was SO worth it.
No... but I'd sacrifice for that too Bonnie! The next poster's baby dove that hatched in a plant on their patio has flown the nest.
No. The next poster is wondering why they did not get a e-mail saying that there was a response to the Next Poster.
Nope, we have had a good amount of rain this week. The next poster is watching the MLB All Star Game now.
I listened on the radio. Darn, no home field advantagefor the Cubbies in September! The next poster will be trudging around a very hot & dusty horse arena tomorrow, dragging heavy jumps through the sand.
No, but sounds interesting. The next poster had a pot-luck at work today but cheated by buying a bakery-baked pie.