problem thinking of something today fot the next poster. The next poster is thinking about what to cook for dinner.
Nope. Mad Men reruns from AMC, powered by the magic of OnDemand from ComCast. The next poster SHOULD be going to bed, but is here playing silly buggers instead, at 1.30am.
Nope. Mad Men reruns from AMC, powered by the magic of OnDemand from ComCast. The next poster SHOULD be going to bed, but is here playing silly buggers instead, at 1.30am. (oops)
Nope... I was in bed at that time. Nope... I was in bed at that time. The next poster has been called a smart a*s before.
No, I don't remember any dreams at all last night. The next poster was sporting the "Vancouver secretary" look this morning - nice clothes with runners for the walk to work.
No way Duuuude!!! I'll be sippin' some brew and surfin' some tasty waves!! The next poster absolutely loves Root Beer!eace:
Wow, how did you know that? This is weird! The next poster wonders what kind of root is used to make root beer.
I know, but if I tell you, I'll have to kill you. The next poster wishes everyone a happy Foo of Goo, as John Lennon once said.
I don't know what that means, but it sounds nice, so, yes. The next poster has been to Paris (France) twice and thinks it is way overrated.