Um... I guess. I normally use the calendar on my computer, though. The next poster is going on a trip sometime soon.
Yes, to the mailbox. Does that count? The next poster still has a high school letter jacket hanging in the closet.
No (and about the trip to the mailbox, yeah it is a trip, but not the trip I was thinking of ) The next poster did something useful today.
Not a damn thing, unfortunately. The next poster wishes s/he could afford to hire someone to do her/his boring chores. Or could just wiggle her nose at them or cross his/her arms and blink them done, like Samantha and Jeannie respectively.
Sort of. I hate having stuff to do, but cannot figure out how, in the given time frame. The next poster thinks some people needs to grow up and mind their own business.
You betcha! The next poster is impressed with Michgal's photo of tulips, their reflection, & her Prius, and wonders if it's the Tuliprius?
No... but Moxie... if you succeed, you'll be really a HEAD of the gardening game, won't you? The next poster snorts when they laugh really hard.
Yeah, I am planning on doing something useful, doesn't necessarily mean I will actually do it though. The next poster is watching the new episode of Weeds.
No. The next poster is actually going to do something useful today (or already did something useful today).
Something useful?? Gods NO! I mean....*sputter*....Really now!!....I don't mind people discussing muffins and "gentlemanly clubs" here on PC but to even suggest that useful things may be accomplished in the day...Well, call me a prude but that's just going too far. The next poster would like some chocolate right about....oh, nowish.
Then why bother? Or was the previous poster just too busy thinking about the gentlemanly clubs, hmmmm????? The next poster is going to watch a dvd with a friend tonight. (Or already did so, depending on your time zone... :doh