No... guess I missed that last night. The next poster just found out a co-worker has been let go and is sad.
Not right at this moment. I have in the past. I'm sure it'll show up again sometime in the future. The next poster is staring at a map.
Not yet, but heading out to get mexican food. The next poster will be picking up their new Prius On Saturday morning.
Hey, congrats! I won't, but I will be taking my Prius in for routine maintenance on Saturday morning. The next poster is going home now.
I am going to go with "no." I don't remember riding anything the last two nights The next poster is magic erasing their laptop.
Nope... I'm currently on a desktop. And not the way it sounds either... The next poster put their multi-tasking skills to good use this morning.
No, but I did clean my desk! That was a brief single-tasking job though. The next poster is not looking forward to the inevitable upcoming office move.
I waited so long to get into a decent office, it would take explosives to get me out now. The next poster injured their back shifting large (650kg) bales of hay on the weekend and then exacerbated it with vigorous exercise (of the marital variety) a couple of days later, to the point where I could barely walk yesterday!
Goodness, gracious no! But hope you feel better soon. The next poster is off tomorrow and hopes to do a little shopping and find some early end of summer bargains :mod:
End of summer? It's barely started around here. The next poster's weather forecast features the rare celestial event of five little suns all in a row. :dance:
Nope. I have been at work since 7 am, and I will go home around 7 pm. Joys of trying to get done with a thesis. The next poster not going to be in school next year, for the first time in 25 years.
well, no...I've not been in school for more than 25 years, but am about to be undertaking some form of educational effort. The next poster is soon to be moving to a new city for the first time in 16 years.